Anonymous ID: 4516d1 June 28, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.1950683   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I"m just catching up but he appeared to have also done this to other Targets. Note twitter name and ID don't match



OR a framed MKultra pawn sacrafice to do the work of the Freemasons (or other crooks)…frame him up with a nice simple disgruntled narrative that's already been laid out online…case closed.

Anonymous ID: 4516d1 June 28, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.1951170   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Charlotte, not Charlottesville…DIfferent state.



33 Vertibrae



She looks like "bruce" jenner



Yes, there are lots of organizations…think Compartmentalization…Crooks at the highest ranks are the ones who control…everyone else is "good" or does the bidder under orders.


ALL these cults and fraternal organizations overlap, each with different purposes…each getting the key people hired and moved up the ranks. The top ones meet under different organizational names….There's tons of them


Say a 33 FM is also a Rosecrutian or Knight of Malta..gonna be more privy to plot than a regular 33 mason I suspect.


They are on a "need to know basis" Similar to a corporation pyramid structure

Military hierarchy


Alphabet agency


etc etc.


If you control the heads of every little organization, you have HUGE influence…and they can further hire future recruits. It's sick.



Theres a youtube video of this kid giving a presentation in college…He was setup and then drugged to keep silent..fake trial..or at least fake attorney



Some old fag (lez) is trying to organize one here on Sat to counter our "Despicable govt"




Fuck yeah…I'm dying for that shit.

Anonymous ID: 4516d1 June 28, 2018, 7:49 p.m. No.1951249   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Aren't they big into LAW too?


Space Fakery you mean.


I used to think you had to be a 33 Mason to go into space as an Honor, but now I suspect it's to conceal the Truth. It's all a movie (moon stuff)…Space/satellites etc real, but can't leave earth orbit AND return alive