Now that we’re seeming to be heading right back into ‘covid season’ again I decided to go back and read some old articles on all the Covid articles from back when it emerged and throughout focusing on DJTs words and repeated emphasizing on certain phrases and claims which then lead me to search into why he continued to say 1917 instead of 1918 and also why he made a hard pivot from calling it the coronavirus or Covid until on a tweet from 3/18/20 he started calling it the ‘China Virus’ and emphasizing that it ‘came from China and was a “plague” - never to call it Covid ever again after. So what I find was this article from National Geographic from 2014 where they mention it actually started in 1917 and that they had been searching for the origin but had a theory about Chinese workers on quarantine trains coming from Canada AND even more interesting is that they talk about digging up and searching for samples of the plague to pin down where the origin was… putting some puzzle pieces together in my own way I think it might be possible they found the “plague” in the soil in China or one of the autopsies mentioned, took it to the wuhan lab to modify it and recreated how they ended WWI which was exactly what they did to Trump to get him out of office and kill his booming economy - ending Trumps war on them. There’s more in these articles that I think all should read but I feel those is what DJT has been trying to get up to look into and connect with the [election interference] - China interfered and manipulated our presidential elections with a plague.