I didn’t think we’d go so far as to put Larry Sinclair in the spotlight. Maybe there’s a chance this will get time in the spotlight as well.
Sucks for the black patriots. The one president that is black is a complete fraud (then again most of our presidents post Kennedy were frauds too)
Well yeah. That’s what makes him so attractive to [them].
He’s so full of shit that anytime he went off the reservation they could give one of their shill anchors a breakthrough hard hitting expose about his fruity past
“I never understood how a witness who is a prostitute had to have bad eyesight”
Jim garrison- jfk
Call to digg
This pic of them all together is the most damning, because their official kids look like siblings to the Obama kids. Not a good look here
Harder to say with black folks.
I don’t mean that as a dog, but a lot of darker skinned black people have higher levels of testosterone.
I don’t mean that as a DIG