Wyatt, Austere Deplorable
So many people stating "Who cares? We don't care if Obama was gay." Good goodness. So many don't care that a massive fraud was perpetrated upon them. Ya. Wow. That's just a tiny fraction of the total fraud, of course.
This is not simply about "Obama is Gay."
If he is - then he has no "wife."
He has no "daughters."
He is "married" to someone who literally did not exist before the campaigns - there is no "Michelle Obama."
Who was this individual before that?
Where were they born? What name did they go by? Where is their family?
What did they do in life before becoming "Michelle Obama?"
These people had complete control of our nation, but you knew nothing about who they really are. Why are you okay with that?
This guy had the nuke codes for eight years.
He has lied about everything in his life.
The questions and repercussions of this are endless.
Do not let up on the questions.