would it matter which god? Also what would you need for proof a signed autographed publicity shot or would the accumulated known knowledge of ancient mythology help?
>his husband
That is a easy question people who believe that their god is the correct one are not only crazy but dangerous. This means all christians, muslims, jews, hindus and all others. It is not about non believing it is about calling out the organized and made up bullshit by the institutionalized religions that divide humanity each into thinking they have the solitary answer over who god is.
I reject your premise. I am not sure it is so binary. I reject the premise of Satan out right, evil perhaps, but the personification of that entity when let alone no one can really say who God is, and most of the people who follow a god are still horrible it is just they justify it because of muh god, at that what point is that god any different than what I believe you perceive satan as.
she is going to morph into stacey abrahms by the end of the year. Get that crack head away from the buffet.
entering some interesting territory with that. Might even have to at some point admit that humanity may have been created in a lab.
sounds more like you can not handle being told Christianity and all other faiths are houses of cards built on lies.
that is one theory of a sentient looking glass type of operation. The question always is, is AI an evil thing if it becomes what is feared, but the people pushing that fear are also the very media that helps enslave humanity. So is AI necessarily a bad thing, no one really knows, just like most of this stuff.
because what people believe also causes people to act and when people act based on lies and half truths that is a problem. IT is not just about opinion when people are willing to kill for it, draw a picture of their fake god, death, Don't agree with muh catholics, burned at the stake. Religion is still a mind trap, and a cause of division. Sorry calling out religious division fags is bothering you.
not really sure, quick thought potentially is it has something to do with Ahriman at least in the way that steiner describes it as a force that wants to focus more on tech and structures and order. It is a possibility but lots of things are and that is why anons need to question all the narratives that are being spun.
it never got a medal.
I will be more concise. KYS.
does it hurt to know you are a liar? A brain dead coward who is afraid of dangerous questions because it hurts your little tiny nigger brain cells? Is that why you are a being such a bitch? I don't even know what god you pray to, but I know it is a fucking lie.
bingo. the answer is not atheism either, its actually talking about shit and trying to figure out where the truth really is vs what everyone thinks it is, because the very people we fight are the very ones who have controlled the major religions and access to truth. Anyone who says different is stupid and or one of the brainwashed
no but I am feeding your stupid family tonight. SO thank me you ungrateful nigger. Get on your fucking knees and thank your faggot god that you have a job and I am willing to feed your ugly smelly shit skin family another day.
you area liar and a nigger. Hope your family starves now, hope the stomach pains cause so much sorrow they end up ending themselves also. I want your family to suffer.
the amount of money a modern church gets is disguesting and they still beg with their hands out. They get that tax shit and all the extra government kick backs for all the things you said. Churchs in terms of beauty are amazing places, I just question all the stuff surrounding it as any rational anon would. Churches are also the very thing that lead people astray from truth because they trust others to distill it to them either through sermons or the books they praise as holy.
didn't he say something also and I am paraphrasing but not all Jesus's are created equal and if you think im in the desert that nigga aint me.
how many people have been murdered over the course of history due to the rule of the papacy. Care to ignore that history ?
you belong to a church of lies.
what you are doing wrong is believing in the lie. I do not know truth, but I understand all churches are liars. You can help people that is good but the dogma that churchs profess is the real cancer. If the science can be wrong why is religion not.
a concept of god exists but not all gods are the same. So that is also wrong what you said. All of them even though they believe in a god believe that that allows them to treat you differently if you do not believe the same things as them.