Anonymous ID: 6c7599 Sept. 7, 2023, 11:25 a.m. No.19507347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7353 >>7394 >>7927 >>8099 >>8164

CDC Confirms WEF-Touted Meat Allergy Is Rapidly Spreading Across America


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed that a syndrome that causes deadly meat allergies in humans is rapidly spreading across the United States.


The syndrome has previously been touted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as a way to force the public into giving up meat and dairy products to “fight climate change.”


The CDC has just issued a warning after recording a “steep increase in cases” of the same mysterious syndrome being spread by ticks.


The sudden increase in cases of Alpha-Gal Syndrome (AGS), which has already caused millions of Americans to become allergic to red meat and dairy, is proliferating across the United States just months after a World Economic Forum advisor admitted the global elite were looking at using AGS to cause meat allergies in humans to “fight climate change.”


AGS, an increasingly prevalent food allergy, renders individuals hypersensitive to red meat and various dairy products, posing a significant health risk to affected individuals.


Typically, AGS is contracted following a Lone Star tick bite, as outlined by the Mayo Clinic. During the bite, a sugar molecule known as alpha-gal is transferred into the victim’s body.


This introduction of alpha-gal prompts an immune system response, resulting in various degrees of allergic reactions to red meat, including beef, pork, and lamb.


Furthermore, AGS can also trigger adverse reactions to dairy products and gelatins, further complicating the dietary choices for those afflicted.


In severe instances, AGS-induced allergies have proven to be life-threatening, underscoring the gravity of the condition.


Regrettably, there is currently no known cure for AGS, and the allergies it provokes are irreversible. The sole recourse for affected individuals is to strictly abstain from the consumption of meat and dairy products.


The CDC’s alert serves as a stark reminder of the growing concern surrounding AGS and underscores the importance of public awareness and vigilance in managing this potentially life-altering condition.


“A rare meat allergy from tick bites is rising and may have already impacted as many as 450,000 people,” the CDC warns.

The federal health agency confirms that the CDC has recorded a “steep increase in cases of alpha-gal syndrome (AGS).”


According to the CDC, the rapidly increasing cases of AGS are an “emerging public health concern.”

Anonymous ID: 6c7599 Sept. 7, 2023, 11:27 a.m. No.19507355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7973 >>8043 >>8135

The Origin Of The ADL


The ADL describes its mission this way,


To stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all


But as Zero Hedge noted in yesterday's article, conservative Jews such as Chaya Raichik, who runs the popular Libs of TikTok X account, have found themselves in the ADL's sights as well. And as Elon Musk pointed out on Wednesday, ADL launched an advertiser boycott of Twitter as soon as he bought the company, when he had not yet changed anything about the site.


The case that sparked the growth of the ADL is instructive here, particularly since the organization just brought it up, causing a minor controversy on Elon Musk's site.

Remembering Leo Frank


Leo Frank, who was Jewish, was the manager of a pencil factory in Georgia where a 13 year old employee (labor laws were different then) named Mary Phagan was found strangled to death. Frank was tried and found guilty of the murder, and sentenced to death. After numerous appeals, the governor of Georgia commuted Frank's sentence from death to life imprisonment. Following that, a group of outraged Georgians broke Frank out of prison and lynched him.


Last month, the ADL commemorated the anniversary of Frank's death with post quoted below (z"l is an abbreviation of a Hebrew phrase meaning "of blessed memory").


One of Elon Musk's innovations was adding "Community Notes" to posts on X, where designated users can offer factual corrections to tweets. A community note questioned the ADL's use of "unjustly convicted", noting there was copious evidence at the time of Frank's guilt. Clicking on their post now, it appears the ADL successfully made that note disappear.

Was Frank Guilty?


The software entrepreneur, researcher, and editor Ron Unz (himself Jewish), addressed that question in a very long post on his site earlier this year ("American Pravda: The Leo Frank Case and the Origins of the ADL"). His short answer was "yes", but below is a brief excerpt elaborating on that answer. Following that, we'll close with a new update on that biotech trade we discussed here recently.


After mentioning a commemoration of the centennial of the ADL's founding, Unz writes [emphasis mine],


In the past, Frank’s name and story would have been equally vague in my mind, only half-remembered from my introductory history textbooks as one of the most notable early KKK victims in the fiercely anti-Semitic Deep South of the early twentieth century. However, not long before seeing that piece on the ADL I’d read Albert Lindemann’s highly-regarded study The Jew Accused, and his short chapter on the notorious Frank case had completely exploded all my preconceptions.


First, Lindemann demonstrated that there was no evidence of any anti-Semitism behind Frank’s arrest and conviction, with Jews constituting a highly-valued element of the affluent Atlanta society of the day, and no references to Frank’s Jewish background, negative or otherwise, appearing in the media prior to the trial. Indeed, five of the Grand Jurors who voted to indict Frank for murder were themselves Jewish, and none of them ever voiced regret over their decision. In general, support for Frank seems to have been strongest among Jews from New York and other distant parts of the country and weakest among the Atlanta Jews with best knowledge of the local situation.


Furthermore, although Lindemann followed the secondary sources he relied upon in declaring that Frank was clearly innocent of the charges of rape and murder, the facts he recounted led me to the opposite conclusion, seeming to suggest strong evidence of Frank’s guilt. When I much more recently read Lindemann’s longer and more comprehensive historical study of anti-Semitism, Esau’s Tears, I noticed that his abbreviated treatment of the Frank case no longer made any such claim of innocence, perhaps indicating that the author himself might have also had second thoughts about the weight of the evidence.

Anonymous ID: 6c7599 Sept. 7, 2023, 11:29 a.m. No.19507364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7543 >>7784 >>7973 >>8043 >>8135

The household appliances spying on YOU: How doorbells, smart speakers, TVs and washing machines capture and share private data with firms such as Google and TikTok - so which are worst offenders?


Household amenities are sharing private info with big tech firms such as Google


Everyday devices like smart speakers, doorbell cameras, TVs and even washing machines are spying on families, it has been revealed.


Research shows that standard household amenities are capturing and sharing private information with big tech firms such as Google, as well as Amazon, Facebook and TikTok.


It is believed the firms and their business partners are using the information to target people with advertising on smartphones and other devices.


The findings by Which? found companies appear to gather far more data than is needed for the product to function.


Google Nest smart home products, which include security cameras, smart speakers, doorbell cameras, heating control systems, gather a huge amount of location information on people who connect via smartphones using its Android operating system.


By contrast, these same Nest products gather much less information when the users connect to them via Apple's iPhones.


Which? said: 'It is not known why this additional data is collected. However, Google's primary business is advertising and marketing, whereas Apple currently focuses on selling hardware.'


Experts looked at what information the devices require to set up an account, what data permissions their apps request and what activity marketing companies are tracking on people's products.


Smart speakers are only supposed to listen when you want them to, but this is not always the extent of data collection.


For example, Bose smart speakers share user data with Meta, the parent company of Facebook.


Ezviz smart cameras and doorbells, which are sold by major retailers including Argos, had by far the most active tracking software.


This included sharing information with TikTok's business marketing unit, as well as Pangle, which is a leading video advertising platform, Huawei, Google and Meta.

Anonymous ID: 6c7599 Sept. 7, 2023, 11:32 a.m. No.19507379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7784 >>7973 >>8043 >>8135

Azerbaijan Pursues ‘Elimination of the Entire Christian Population and Its Churches’ in Nagorno-Karabakh


The congressional Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, chaired by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), held a hearing Wednesday to discuss the plight of Armenian Christians trapped by an Azerbaijani blockade in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region. The commission heard testimony from experts who said Azerbaijan’s actions clearly constituted genocide, with complicity from Turkey and the Islamist forces it has dispatched into the region.


Nagorno-Karabakh is a mountainous territory about the size of Delaware in Azerbaijan that has been inhabited by Armenians for centuries. The Azerbaijanis are mostly Muslims, while the Armenians are Christian.


The Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh fought an unsuccessful war of secession in 1994 following the collapse of the Soviet Union, then remained as a semi-autonomous colony supported by the Armenian state.


Sporadic clashes over the years erupted into a full-blown war in 2020, which concluded with a cease-fire brokered by Russia in November of that year. Azerbaijan was generally seen as victor in the conflict, as Armenia was required to hand over control over some border territories.


Fighting broke out again in late 2022 despite the presence of Russian peacekeepers. Both the Armenians and Azeris accused each other of violating cease-fire terms with unprovoked ground attacks and artillery barrages.


In December 2022, Azerbaijan began blockading a road known as the Lachin Corridor, the only land route between the Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh and the nation of Armenia. The blockade was initially launched by a group of self-professed “environmental activists” to protest illegal mining operations, but testimony at the Human Rights Commission on Wednesday made it clear they were actually agents of Azerbaijan.


Testifying before the commission on Wednesday was Luis Moreno Ocampo, a former prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) who published a report in August about the Lachin Corridor blockade. Ocampo’s report said the blockade was Azerbaijan’s attempt to use “starvation as a means of genocide.”


“There are no crematories and there are no machete attacks. Starvation is the invisible genocide weapon. Without immediate dramatic change, this group of Armenians will be destroyed in a few weeks,” Ocampo warned in August.


Ocampo explained to the Human Rights Commission that there are essentially two types of genocide: murderous violence with weapons, and deliberate efforts to create conditions that will wipe out an entire population. He said the Lachin blockade was clearly an example of the latter, as it deprives the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians of food, gas, electricity, and medicine. The Azeris have blocked the Red Cross from reaching the Armenians, and even turned back Russian peacekeepers.


“This is an ongoing genocide. It is happening now,” he said. “There is no doubt that genocidal intentions are there.”


Ocampo rendered harsh judgment against Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliev, as did the commission’s other expert witness, Georgetown University adjunct professor David L. Philips. Both said Aliev was well aware of the humanitarian crisis created by the Lachin blockade.


“The responsible person is clearly President Aliev. No doubt, no doubt,” Ocampo said.


Philips said Aliev’s goal was “elimination of the entire Christian population and its churches.”


“There is no doubt that genocidal intentions are there,” Ocampo said.


Philips extensively quoted remarks from Aliev and his top officials that indicated their resolve to wipe out the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh once and for all.


“The language used by President Aliev and his officials leaves no question of their genocidal intentions,” he said, noting that Aliev has worked to “dehumanize” the Armenians among his own people and pave the way for their destruction.


Philips added that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and some of his top officials, including Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, are “culpable” for the impending genocide because they have assisted Azerbaijani forces. Akar was succeeded as defense minister in June 2023 by Yasar Guler, who does not appear any more favorably disposed toward the Armenians.

Anonymous ID: 6c7599 Sept. 7, 2023, 11:37 a.m. No.19507398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel legalizes three West Bank outposts


Head of IDF Central Command approves new municipal boundaries for the West Bank settlements of Avigayil, Asahel, and Beit Hoglah




Israel legalized three West Bank outposts on Wednesday, after the head of the IDF’s Central Command, Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox, signed off on orders designating for the first time their municipal boundaries.


The process turns the outposts into recognized settlements — by the State of Israel, not the international community, which by and large views all settlements as illegal — with formal and legal municipal boundaries, albeit ones with illegally built homes and other structures, since they were constructed years ago without an approved masterplan or construction permits.


The three outposts, Avigayil, Asahel and Beit Hoglah, are on a list of nine such outposts approved for legalization by the government in February, as part of promises made to the far-right Religious Zionism party in coalition agreements.




Israel legalized three West Bank outposts on Wednesday, after the head of the IDF’s Central Command, Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox, signed off on orders designating for the first time their municipal boundaries.


The process turns the outposts into recognized settlements — by the State of Israel, not the international community, which by and large views all settlements as illegal — with formal and legal municipal boundaries, albeit ones with illegally built homes and other structures, since they were constructed years ago without an approved masterplan or construction permits.


The three outposts, Avigayil, Asahel and Beit Hoglah, are on a list of nine such outposts approved for legalization by the government in February, as part of promises made to the far-right Religious Zionism party in coalition agreements.

State of Jerusalem: The Maqdasyin


The Civil Administration, a department of the Defense Ministry largely run by Religious Zionism leader Finance Minister Minister Bezalel Smotrich, drew up the municipal boundaries for the outposts.


Now that they have been approved by Fox, a masterplan designating the area for residential construction needs to be authorized by the Civil Administration’s Higher Planning Committee so that the existing illegally built structures can be retroactively approved and new buildings constructed.


Oded Yinon

Anonymous ID: 6c7599 Sept. 7, 2023, 11:40 a.m. No.19507413   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US antisemitism envoy and EU denounce Mahmoud Abbas’s speech: Distorts the Holocaust


Europeans blast ‘grossly misleading’ claims by Palestinian Authority leader that Hitler killed Jews because they were moneylenders, and Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Khazars


The US and EU on Thursday condemned Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for a recent speech about the origins of Ashkenazi Jews and Adolf Hitler’s motivations, with the latter saying it fuels antisemitism and insults Holocaust victims.


US Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt slammed the “hateful, antisemitic remarks” made by Abbas in a speech last month to his Fatah party’s Revolutionary Council.


“The speech maligned the Jewish people, distorted the Holocaust, and misrepresented the tragic exodus of Jews from Arab countries,” Lipstadt wrote on X.




The US and EU on Thursday condemned Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for a recent speech about the origins of Ashkenazi Jews and Adolf Hitler’s motivations, with the latter saying it fuels antisemitism and insults Holocaust victims.


US Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt slammed the “hateful, antisemitic remarks” made by Abbas in a speech last month to his Fatah party’s Revolutionary Council.


“The speech maligned the Jewish people, distorted the Holocaust, and misrepresented the tragic exodus of Jews from Arab countries,” Lipstadt wrote on X.

State of Jerusalem: The Maqdasyin


“I condemn these statements and urge an immediate apology,” she added.


Lipstadt’s condemnation came as the EU also denounced Abbas’s comments, saying they contained “false and grossly misleading remarks about Jews and antisemitism.”


Abbas repeated a number of antisemitic canards he has uttered over the years, including that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler had Jews slaughtered because of their “social role” as moneylenders, not because of enmity toward Judaism.


“Such historical distortions are inflammatory, deeply offensive, can only serve to exacerbate tensions in the region and serve no one’s interests,” read the EU statement. “They play into the hands of those who do not want a two-state solution, which President Abbas has repeatedly advocated for.


“Moreover, they trivialize Holocaust [sic] and thereby fuel anti-Semitism and are an insult to the millions of victims of the Holocaust and their families,” continued the European condemnation.


France’s embassy called the speech “clearly unacceptable” and stated that it “unequivocally strongly condemns antisemitism and the denial of the Holocaust in all its forms, as well as its determination to fight tirelessly against these scourges.”


In his speech, Abbas outlined the baseless theory that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from ancient Israelites but from an ancient Turkish people known as the Khazars, who according to a discredited theory converted to Judaism en masse.

Anonymous ID: 6c7599 Sept. 7, 2023, 11:42 a.m. No.19507427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7550 >>7973 >>8043 >>8135

ADL chief: Musk a great innovator, but he engages with users espousing antisemitism


After lawsuit threat, Jonathan Greenblatt vents frustration at mogul spreading ‘age-old tropes’ blaming Jews for hatred against them


Days after Elon Musk threatened to sue the Anti-Defamation League for billions of dollars and amplified a hashtag spread by white supremacists, the ADL’s CEO praised Musk’s business acumen but called his behavior “frustrating” and said he was spreading “age-old tropes” around blaming Jews for antisemitism.


“I’ve always tried to treat Elon and everyone at the company with respect and forthright manner and a constructive approach. I would do that again,” Greenblatt told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on Wednesday.


“The truth is that he has been, Elon Musk, a great innovator in some respects, in many respects in his business pursuits,” Greenblatt said. “That’s why it’s all the more frustrating to see him engaging online with users who are espousing antisemitism and hate.”


Greenblatt’s comments came some 36 hours after Musk fired off a stream of posts on X, the social media platform he owns and renamed from Twitter, in which he accused the ADL of trying to tank the platform by encouraging an ad boycott against it.


Amid those posts, Musk directly engaged with a white supremacist on the platform and liked a post that included the hashtag #BanTheADL, which grew popular among antisemitic users. The ADL said in a statement that neo-Nazi marchers in Florida last weekend chanted “Ban the ADL.”


Musk also tweeted that he is “pro free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind” and that he would remove the ADL from the platform only if it broke the law.


Multiple times, Greenblatt made clear that the ADL does not see itself as right-wing or left-wing, and compared the hashtag #BanTheADL to the hashtag #DropTheADL, which represented a campaign in 2020 by progressive nonprofits to discourage partnership with the ADL.


But as the group’s surveys have documented a rising tide of antisemitism, Greenblatt said the recent hashtag is dangerous because it could motivate attacks not just against the ADL but against Jews.

Anonymous ID: 6c7599 Sept. 7, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.19507491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7784 >>7973 >>8043 >>8135

Netanyahu and Zelensky speak amid Israeli-Ukrainian tensions


Ukraine has long complained about lukewarm Israeli support as it defends itself against Russia’s invasion of its country, a war that is now in its second year.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time in nine months on Thursday evening amid growing tensions between the two countries.


Ukraine has long complained about lukewarm Israeli support as it defends itself against Russia’s invasion of its country, a war that is now in its second year.


In recent months it has complained in particular about Israel’s treatment of Ukrainian refugees seeking to enter the Jewish state. It has warned that this could impact its handling of the thousands of religious Israelis who plan to make their annual pilgrimage to the Ukrainian city of Uman to pray at the grave of Rabbi Nachman of Bretslov.


“During our call, @Netanyahu and I discussed how to ensure that the visa-free functions fully for Ukrainian citizens, as well as how to secure the safety of Hasidic Jews on their yearly pilgrimage to Uman,” Zelensky said.

Anonymous ID: 6c7599 Sept. 7, 2023, 12:01 p.m. No.19507512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7784 >>7973 >>8043 >>8135

Judge Finds Trump Guilty BEFORE Trial in E. Jean Carroll Defamation Case, Jury Will Only Decide Damages


Former President Donald Trump was effectively declared guilty before trial on Wednesday in New York by a biased Clinton-appointed judge in a second defamation lawsuit brought against him by E. Jean Carroll.


From CNBC, "Trump suffers big loss in E. Jean Carroll defamation case, judge says he's liable":


A federal judge on Wednesday ruled that Donald Trump is civilly liable for defamatory statements he made about writer E. Jean Carroll in 2019 when she went public with claims he had raped her decades earlier.


Judge Lewis Kaplan, as part of that ruling, said the upcoming trial for Carroll's lawsuit against Trump will only deal with the question of how much the former president should pay her in monetary damages for defaming her.


Normally, a jury would determine at trial whether a defendant is liable for civil damages claimed by a plaintiff.


But Kaplan found that Carroll was entitled to a partial summary judgment on the question of Trump's liability in the case.


He cited the fact that jurors at a trial in a separate but related lawsuit in May found that Trump sexually abused Carroll in a New York department store in the mid-1990s, and defamed her in statements he made when he denied her allegation last fall.


Carroll's lawyers argued, and Kaplan agreed, that the jury's verdict in that case effectively settled the legal question of whether Trump had defamed her in similar comments he made about Carroll in 2019.


"The truth or falsity of Mr. Trump's 2019 statements therefore depends like the truth or falsity of his 2022 statement on whether Ms. Carroll lied about Mr. Trump sexually assaulting her," Kaplan wrote in his 25-page decision in U.S. District Court in Manhattan.


"The jury's finding that she did not therefore is binding in this case and precludes Mr. Trump from contesting the falsity of his 2019 statements," Kaplan wrote.


Carroll's main lawyer in these cases is Roberta A. Kaplan and the judge in both cases is Lewis A. Kaplan. Roberta A. Kaplan and Carroll's suit was financed by billionaire LinkedIn co-founder and Democrat megadonor Reid Hoffman, who the WSJ reported earlier this year visited Jeffrey Epstein at his "Pedophile Island" and spent a night at his New York City townhouse.

Anonymous ID: 6c7599 Sept. 7, 2023, 12:02 p.m. No.19507521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7784 >>7973 >>8043 >>8135

Drill, Baby, NOT! Biden Bars Oil Exploration on 13 Million Acres of Arctic Wilderness


Joe Biden enraged environmentalists in March when he gave the go-ahead to allow the $8 billion Willow Project to drill on Arctic land. The greenies felt that Biden had betrayed a campaign promise of “no new drilling, period” on federal lands.


They needn’t have worried. Biden has never wavered from his goal of destroying the fossil fuel industry, nor has he ever deviated from his position that the U.S. will be weaned off of fossil fuels even if it costs tens of thousands of jobs and an untold amount of pain to consumers.


The Biden administration announced that it would prohibit drilling on 13 million acres of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Furthermore, the administration is canceling all drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.


“We have a responsibility to protect this treasured region for all ages,” Biden said in a statement. “Canceling all remaining oil and gas leases issued under the previous administration in the Arctic Refuge and protecting more than 13 million acres in the western Arctic will help preserve our Arctic lands and wildlife, while honoring the culture, history, and enduring wisdom of Alaska Natives who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.”


The administration has just empowered Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the rest of OPEC+, which just announced yesterday that the cut in production that is driving the price rise at American pumps will continue through the end of the year. Benchmark Brent crude traded Tuesday above $90 a barrel after trading at $75-85 bbl for the last year.


New York Times:


Deirdre Shelly, campaigns director for the Sunrise Movement, said young people remained angry about the Willow decision and that the new Arctic protections did not make up for it. But she did praise the new announcements as “exactly the sort of thing young people and people in the climate movement want to see from the president.”


Yet the decision carries some political risk, because oil prices are on the rise and Republicans are accusing Mr. Biden of harming the country’s energy independence, despite the fact that United States oil production is poised to break records this year.

Anonymous ID: 6c7599 Sept. 7, 2023, 12:10 p.m. No.19507560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7570 >>7577 >>7578 >>7586 >>7588 >>7590 >>7784 >>7973 >>8043 >>8135

Ken Paxton’s legal team is currently shredding Texas RINOs who impeached him…


As you’re probably aware, Republican RINOs in the Texas House have impeached Ken Paxton, arguably the most popular and effective Attorney General in the nation. Paxton was laser focused on challenging the Biden administration at every turn — and not through empty rhetoric or heated tweets — but through old-fashioned, traditional litigation. Naturally, the GOP establishment united to take him down. The silver lining is that, so far, Paxton has secured the backing of eight out of the ten Texas Senators he’ll need to overcome this unjust political witch hunt.


Gateway Pundit:


There’s an impeachment going on in the Texas legislature now. Attorney General Ken Paxton is being targeted on allegations of bribery and such.


But the case also has been described as largely political by critics and as the proceedings begin, he already has support from eight of the 10 state senators he would need to be cleared.


That’s the number who voted that most of the case should be thrown out because the events happened before his most recent election.


He was voted to trial in the state Senate by a vote in the state House, and is facing 16 counts related to misuse of his office.


A commentary from WND columnist Andy Schlafly charged that the case was an “ambush impeachment” and an “undemocratic assault on the will of voters.”


They had returned him to the AG’s office by some 800,000 votes last year.


And there’s additional good news. Paxton’s legal team is effectively dismantling the Regime RINOs who are protecting Biden and attempting to bring down Paxton.


Just one example how the @KenPaxtonTX legal team tore apart the sham impeachment. #txlege #PaxtonImpeachment


— Luke Macias (@lukemaciastx) September 7, 2023


This entire impeachment farce reeks of the same kind of political weaponization directed at President Trump. The moment anyone poses a real threat to the uni-party regime, politicians from both sides start circling the wagons. We’re watching this unfold with both President Trump and Ken Paxton. Remember, these RINOs aren’t committed to an America First agenda. They’re globalists whose objectives align seamlessly with left-wing tyrants, and they’ll go to any lengths to protect their own. The bottom line is this: we won’t truly win until we cleanse the party of these disloyal dirtbags.