Anonymous ID: 6fe482 Sept. 7, 2023, 2:27 p.m. No.19508396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8407




Keep it together. Don't fall for the 'compartmentalization' of society by identities routine that makes you easy for conquest because the enemy is not of flesh and bone but of the richest most powerful organizations that have ever unified for any purpose and they know you and your mechanics, biologically/psychologically/spiritually better than you do especially with the help and great power they use to better research and lie to us through technology and computer calculations.


They know that you are easily provoked, and that makes you easily controlled/distracted. They use emotional reaction you would naturally have according to whatever stimulates it to bait/temp you into the mindset they want you to have, and they use this 'magic/deception' like a template for many things. For example: "Please send $30 dollars a month to save the poor puppies" (sad emotional music, images of cuddly puppies - %90 the money they receive they keep, %10 goes to some other charity). It's difficult to know what is true and real and what is a lie and false these days more than ever.


Their goal is domination. Communist N.W.O. They use the "Lie" like a code or a language. The language of the debil itself. So be warned and be those that have wisdom and understanding to better recognize the spells they cast.