Anonymous ID: b0e605 Sept. 7, 2023, 2:14 p.m. No.19508315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8318 >>8319 >>8324 >>8334 >>8343 >>8426 >>8541

Barack Obama: A shadowy, cryptic figure who was quietly groomed to become the president…. 1/2

Who is Barack Obama? Surprisingly, not many people can answer that question in depth. While the media offers plenty of narratives about who he’s supposed to be, delving into his past hits a dead end. Conversations with those who claim to have known him in his earlier years yield nothing but cryptic, shadowy descriptions. The enigma surrounding the man — known at times as Barry Soetoro — has been going on since he first splashed onto the scene.


Here’s a 2009 blast from the past from the Western Journal to jog your memory:


Most Americans don’t realize we have elected a president whom we know very little about.


Researchers have discovered that Obama’s autobiographical books are little more than PR stunts, as they have little to do with the actual events of his life. The fact is we know less about President Obama than perhaps any other president in American history and much of this is due to actual efforts to hide his record. This should concern all Americans.


A nation-wide network of researchers has sprung up to attempt to fill in the blanks, but at every opportunity Obama’s high-priced lawyers have built walls around various records or simply made them disappear. It is estimated that Obama’s legal team has now spent well over $1.4 million dollars blocking access to documents every American should have access to. The question is why would he spend so much money to do this?


The president who campaigned for a more ―open government‖ and ―full disclosure‖ will not unseal his medical records, his school records, his birth records or his passport records. He will not release his Harvard records, his Columbia College records, or his Occidental College records—he will not even release his Columbia College thesis.


All his legislative records from the Illinois State Senate are missing and he claims his scheduling records during those State Senate years are lost as well. In addition, no one can find his school records for the elite K-12 college prep school, Punahou School, he attended in Hawaii. What is he hiding? Well, for starters, some of these records will shed light on his citizenship and birth.


For example, Obama’s application to Punahou School – now mysteriously missing – would likely contain a birth certificate. And, according to attorney Gary Kreep, ―his Occidental College records are important as they may show he attended there as a foreign exchange student.


Indeed, Obama used his Indonesian name ―Barry Soetoro‖ while attending Occidental. Kreep has filed lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility to be president and as part of his lawsuit he requested Obama’s records from Occidental. However, Obama’s lawyers quickly moved to stop Occidental from honoring this request.


Even today, the enigma surrounding Barry remains a point of interest, particularly because many speculate that Obama is finally enjoying his “third term,” which President Trump disrupted in 2016. Renewed curiosity about Obama’s mysterious years at Harvard Law has been sparked by an interesting article from Gateway Pundit. Here’s what Jeff Clark, former U.S. Assistant Attorney General, had to say in a post shedding yet more light on the murky details of Obama’s past:…

Anonymous ID: b0e605 Sept. 7, 2023, 2:16 p.m. No.19508324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8426 >>8541





Great interview by @gatewaypundit of lawyer Andrew Schlafly, son of the legendary Phyllis Schlafly.


Particularly interesting are the parts where Andrew tells of being on the Harvard Law Review with Obama, virtually never seeing the guy, never seeing him work much on the law review (presidents/editors in chief of major law reviews typically work like dogs), and being able to say in retrospect that Obama was essentially coddled as he was seemingly being groomed for future high office.


Obama’s years at Occidental College and Columbia also remain murky.


Nothing about Obama is normal. And before he emerged to give his charismatic DNC Convention speech (even I thought so at the time), it’s not because of objectively grounded high achievement, but because of unusual surroundings or external circumstances — Hawaii, Kenya, Indonesia, ties to Frank Marshall Davis the famous communist, shuttling between colleges, special treatment in law school, “community organizing” in Chicago, Jeremiah Wright’s Marxist church, and on and on.


In the piece from Gateway Pundit, Andrew Schlafly had this to say about his time spent with Barack Obama on the Harvard Law Review:


We were on the Harvard Law Review together but Barack was often absent, particularly for someone who became the president of the publication as promoted by liberals. Some in our Harvard class never even met him, and none of his close advisers was from our class. He was very careful about what he said and did, despite being in a student environment where people spoke and acted freely. It is obvious in retrospect that he was being groomed back then by liberals to become president of the country. Everything was so staged for the student Barack.


The Law Review is supposed to be a scholarly publication, but Barack seemed to have little interest in that. Ordinarily the head of a publication is an always-working, roll-up-your-sleeves, never-sleep type of person, but not Barack as this appeared to be just a credential to obtain for a liberal political ambition.


Perhaps Obama was just busy with other things at the time?


It’s intriguing how these left-wing sensations seem to emerge from nowhere, lacking political experience but bursting onto the scene with remarkable fire and fanfare. Take AOC, for example. She started as an activist bartender from Brooklyn, and now she’s being groomed for a future presidential run. It’s as though the left has some sort of “factory” that magically churns out these mega-marketable and uber-electable political figurines, all perfectly designed to push the country closer and closer to Marxism.


(I wish Russia would release their whole dossier on O. That would be funny)

Anonymous ID: b0e605 Sept. 7, 2023, 2:27 p.m. No.19508395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8404 >>8426

EXCLUSIVE: Former intel operative Tony Shaffer tells Jack Posobiec 'Ukrainians have maybe three weeks left to win'

by: Jessica Barshis 09/06/2023

Jack Posobiec broke down the revelations currently happening about the Ukrainian war with former defense intel operative, Tony Shaffer, on his podcast Wednesday.


Posobiec brought up the fact that Tony Blinken made a surprise trip to Ukraine today and refreshed the audience about the events that have happened the past couple days including Zelensky firing his defense ministerand the arrest of Igor Kolomoisky for fraud. He noted that not only are these arrests being made because of corruption, but also because of a failed counteroffensive against Russia.


Shaffer concurred, “It's not about corruption. It's about the fact that the Western directed, Western planned, Western executed, I would often even go so far as to say, the offensive has failed.”


He stated that “Ukrainians have maybe three weeks left to win, they're not going to win.”


He explained his theory with the fact that the wet season in Ukraine is going to come within the next three weeks.


Man, it's going to be like Burning Man with tanks if you can picture that,”he quipped.


Shaffer clarified that “all of these firings are more related to the failure to show any progress to the West regarding the offensive,” specifically the United States, rather than corruption.


“They're all corrupt. Ukraine was the most corrupt nation in Europe before the war, [and] all of a sudden they became saints… And I think it's very clear that Blinken tried to throw more money at it simply as a Hail Mary, trying to get them to do something at some point against the Russians. And I just don't think it's going to work.”


Posobiec posited that the effort currently being made by the US to prevent further conflict in the war is a “two-prong approach.” He referenced an article in The Nation that hinted at DC considering negotiations with the Russians. He asked, “Did Tony Blinken go over there and possibly hand Zelensky a list of demands to basically saying, ‘Look, this is what you're going to have to give up’?”


Shaffer responded, “I think that there were demands, I don't know what those demands were. At this point, the issue of negotiation is the only option other than complete defeat.”


He clarified that he is in no way in favor of the Russians or pro-Putin.


“What I'm saying is the numbers are all in the Russians' favor. They dominate the battlefield, no matter how much high tech we give Ukraine, you're just not going to overwhelm the Russians' ability to adapt to overcome that technology. They're learning a great deal about how we would fight which is, I think, something we need to be paying attention to. Shaffer concluded, “And more importantly, it's just a numbers game… Ukraine does not have any potential to prevail based on, simply, the manpower numbers, and the losses they've suffered over the past 18 months.”


“And so the alternative to negotiation is watching the Russians, at the time of their choosing, return to the offensive and start taking whole parts of Ukraine back because Ukraine is out of gas, and no amount of Ukrainian work is going to prevent it. The only way you would see this is by a third party, a NATO or some other nation coming in with its manpower. And I don't think anybody's willing to do that at this point.”

Anonymous ID: b0e605 Sept. 7, 2023, 2:31 p.m. No.19508418   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukrainian adoptee charged with murder after slaughtering American parents who 'treated him like their own son'

Jessica Barshis


Ukrainian adoptee charged with murder after slaughtering American parents who 'treated him like their own son'

A 21-year-old adoptee from Ukraine slaughtered his American parents, Robbie and Jennifer Tower, on Friday and has been charged with their murders.


The Christian missionary couple had spent their entire life savings to adopt Dima Towers when he was 14 from a Ukrainian orphanage that was “prison-like,” according to the Daily Mail. They then made him a part of their home in Florida and reportedly showered him with love.


Warren Rines, who is Robbie Tower’s uncle, told the New York Post, “He would have bruises on him in the orphanage. When they went out to eat, he would have like six hot dogs. He wasn't getting a lot to eat. These orphanages are like prison for kids.”


The Towers had frequented Ukraine prior to the adoption on Christian missions.


Dima stabbed the couple to death in their Florida home before leading police on an 8-hour manhunt. Police also noted that the Towers’ bodies were surrounded by large pools of blood, indicating the attack had gone on for a prolonged amount of time. They also appeared to have been laid head-to-head by Dimas.


“These were two really good, caring people. It just makes no sense, none of us understand the hate. They were the only two people in his life who ever tried to help him. They treated him like their own son,” said Rines.


“When I first met him, he was interested in boxing,” he added. Rines himself is a martial arts enthusiast. He continued, “But he didn’t want to box. He wanted to hit. He wanted to hurt.”


Dima had shown signs of violence in the past, even giving his adoptive father a black eye before being sent to live with his adoptive mother’s side of the family. After a short period, however, Towers insisted he come back and claimed his violence was the result of the Ukrainian’s difficulty fitting into their culture. He had also been known to want to fight his peers at school.


The couple had forgiven him for everything and decided the solution was more love and attention before welcoming him back into their home.


“That’s how much he loved him,” Rines said. “They forgave him for everything. They bought him a car, whatever he wanted or needed.”


Police arrived at the scene of the crime on Friday after receiving a call from a neighbor claiming she had heard a woman screaming for help and banging on her door. When she opened the door, the woman was gone, but police noted blood on her doorstep.


They subsequently found Dima outside the Towers’ home covered in blood, closing the trunk of his car. When they told him to freeze, he got in the driver's seat and fled, evading arrest for 8 hours.


The motive for the slayings is still unknown.


“Robbie was a good man. He didn’t deserve this.” Rines continued, “Rob and Jennifer were really nice, sweet, good people, kind of people you really don’t see anymore…in this day and age.”

Anonymous ID: b0e605 Sept. 7, 2023, 2:46 p.m. No.19508482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8543

7 Sep, 2023 18:13

Musk ordered shutdown of Starlink in Crimea – CNN

Ukrainian sea drones reportedly lost signal as they approached Crimea to attack the Russian fleet


Elon Musk personally intervened to stop a Ukrainian attack on Crimea last year due to fears of a nuclear war, CNN reported on Thursday, quoting an excerpt from the upcoming biography of the SpaceX and Tesla founder.


As Ukrainian drones approached the Crimean coast, they “lost connectivity and washed ashore harmlessly,” according to the book by Walter Isaacson, scheduled to be published next week.


Musk had secretly ordered SpaceX engineers to shut off the Starlink signal near Crimea, according to this account, concerned that Russia might use nuclear weapons in reaction to what he described as a “mini-Pearl Harbor.”


Ukrainian Digital Transformation Minister Mikhail Fedorov then begged Musk to turn the signal back on via text messages, outlining the capabilities of the sea drones. Musk said no, explaining that Ukraine “is now going too far and inviting strategic defeat” by attacking Crimea.


The abortive drone strike was first reported by the New York Times in July, but did not include details of the exchange with Fedorov.


SpaceX has donated more than 20,000 Starlink terminals to Kiev since February 2022, with the intention of providing internet access and communications to civilians. The systems were weaponized almost immediately, however, leading to Musk having to explain himself to both Moscow and Washington.


“How am I in this war?” Isaacson quotes Musk as saying during one of their conversations. “Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.”


Following the attempted attack on Crimea, Musk told the Pentagon that Starlink would not continue donating its services to Ukraine. When this was leaked to CNN, Musk publicly reversed course, tweeting that “we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free.”


“The Pentagon had a $145 million check ready to hand to me, literally,” SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell told Isaacson. “Then Elon succumbed to the bullshit on Twitter and to the haters at the Pentagon who leaked the story.”


SpaceX eventually got the US and some EU governments to pay for another 100,000 satellite dishes for Ukraine in early 2023, according to the biography. Musk has since said thatSpaceX would not “enable escalation of a conflict that may lead to WWIII,” including the use of Starlink for long-range drone strikes.


Musk has yet to comment on the latest excerpt from Isaacson’s book. On Wednesday, he described another excerpt published by TIME magazine, dealing with AI, as “not quite how I would tell the story, but very accurate for an observer who only saw part of the puzzle.”


Isaacson is a former editor of TIME, a professor of history at Tulane University, and the biographer of Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Henry Kissinger and Steve Jobs.

Anonymous ID: b0e605 Sept. 7, 2023, 2:54 p.m. No.19508509   🗄️.is 🔗kun

7 Sep, 2023 20:02

Ex-Zelensky sponsor charged with $250-million fraud

Billionaire Igor Kolomoysky has been accused of illegally seizing funds from a bank to consolidate his ownership of the lender


Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoysky was charged with embezzlement on Thursday. Ukraine’s National Anticorruption Bureau (NABU) has accused the businessman, whose backing is thought to have helped Vladimir Zelensky secure the country’s presidency, of illegally taking funds from a bank he controlled to further increase his share in the lending institution’s authorized capital.


According to a NABU statement published on Telegram, Kolomoysky, together with five other suspects, took a total of more than 9.2 billion hryvnias ($250 million) from Ukrainian lender PrivatBank back in 2015 to finance his dealings. The billionaire, who was the ultimate beneficial owner of the bank at that time, forced PrivatBank to pay this sum to a specific company he controlled, under the pretext of supposedly buying out its own bonds at an inflated cost, the statement said.


The funds were then used to finance Kolomysky’s offshore company and increase his share in PrivatBank’s authorized capital, the authorities said. The NABU did not name the oligarch’s suspected accomplices.


Last week, the billionaire faced suspicion of laundering and siphoning off more than $13 million from Ukraine. The Ukrainian security service (SBU) said at that time that he had legalized more than 500 million hryvnias ($13.5 million) by “transferring it abroad, while using the infrastructure of banking institutions controlled by him.” The Ukrainian officials also said at that time that Kolomoysky was suspected of fraud, and legalization of property obtained by criminal means.


The oligarch was arrested last Saturday and a court has ordered that he be detained for two months. A Ukrainian court then set bail at 509 million hryvnia ($13.8 million). The billionaire’s legal team said he would not post bail immediately and would appeal the ruling on his arrest instead. An appeal is expected to be heard later in September.


Kolomoysky came to prominence in Ukraine in 2014, when he was appointed governor of the southeastern Dnepropetrovsk Region in the wake of the Maidan coup. He was dismissed a year later amid a conflict with then-Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko.


In 2016, the Ukrainian authorities nationalized Kolomoysky’s PrivatBank, which was declared a major threat to the Ukrainian financial system amid allegations of massive fraud.


The businessman is still widely considered to have played a prominent role in Vladimir Zelensky’s rise to power. The current Ukrainian president was a comedian whose show was hosted by a Kolomoysky-controlled media holding. The billionaire has admitted he “wanted” Zelensky to become president but has denied close ties to him.


(These arrests are just to take off all the leaders in Ukraine, to give NATO the impression Kiev is reducing the corruption. It’s well known Ukraine’s National Anticorruption Bureau (NABU) is as corrupt as all others. They are the Stasi for the government. This is the second time Kolomoysky has been arrested in the past year. Its a ruse that continues)