Anonymous ID: 80f918 Sept. 7, 2023, 7:51 p.m. No.19510087   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is just a thought experiment and anon is not expounding that anything put forth in this post is a die on this hill stance or intractable belief. Rather it is intended to provoke thought and discussion. So let's assume, for the sake of argument, that Q (or Q team) has been controlled by the Biden administration since Trump left the White House. This because Q/Q team are indeed a US MIL operation and subject to the orders of CINC. Like anon said. A thought experiment. So please bear with me here. And hear me out. Because the situtation is always fluid and subject to change as the landscape of perception evolves and/or mutates.


Anon has already polled the board as to how many times Q has used the word "I" in a drop. The consensus seems to be that the word has been used only twice in a grand total now approaching five thousand drops. Q drop 64 "God bless - I must go for good at this point." and Q drop 4964 "I am not a prophet." Interesting that both drops end with the digits 64. Also interesting that both phrases from those drops include religious and/or spriritual references. God and prophet(s).


(Trump as CINC)

Let's look at "I must go for good at this point." The God bless part is pretty straightforward. But I must go for good could maybe be taken a couple different ways? One is obvious and means that Q is leaving and not returning. Right? But that didn't happen did it? Q kept right on making drops afterwards. So maybe it means something else? What if I said I must go for lunch? Or I must go for an appointment with my eye doctor? Is Q indicating a personal choice? Maybe an order from higher in the chain of command? Like when someone says I'm going for the home team? Using the words go for in the way that someone says "I'm rooting for"? Or the popular expresssion "go for it!"? Or, like lunch, is Q going to pick up good and bring it back? Food for thought.


(Biden as CINC)

Now look at "I am not a prophet". Like "God Bless", it is a straightforward statement and there is not much room for misunderstanding, or multiple meanings, here. Or is there? Also there is the fact that the word prophet seems to be the central theme of the drop. Appearing twce in the singular and twice in the plural. The drop, in it's entirety, seems to leave little room for misunderstanding and/or multiple meanings. Or does it?


Be aware of false prophets.

I am not a prophet.

You are not a prophet.

We are not prophets.

Focus on the mission.



What if Q is simultaneously telling us the mission and to focus on it all in one drop? Drop 4964. Q could have said beware. Instead said be aware. Why? This drop talking about prophet(s) really wrapped itself around this anon's brain. What is a prophet? Anon thought of the layman's definition of prophet. Which anon thinks would be a holy man who predicts the future. When someone says "His words were prophetic" then they are basically saying he predicted, or maybe anticipated, conditions or happenings in the future and told someone about it before it came to be. Right? Well that is what anon thought anyway. Until anon started to read about prophets, that is.


Please forgive the author's name but, in 1958, a book named "Isaiah Speaks" by Paul Schilling was published. And in the first part of the book he defines what a prophet is.

from Part One: Introducing Isaiah page 7:

What is prophecy? Basically, it is not a prediction but proclamation. To prophesy is to say or tell forth; it is not to speak before events but to speak for God in the midst of events. The great literary prophets of the Old Testament were not primarily foretellers of the future but forthtellers of divine truth. They were at once dedicated servants of God and close students of the life of their times. Filled with a sense of divine mission and illuminated by their firsthand experience of the Most High, they interpreted and declared the will of God for his people.

Inevitably such activity involved some prediction. The prophets correctly perceived that obedience to God's purposes promotes man's highest welfare while disobedience leads to chaos and destruction. They therefore proclaimed sharply what lay ahead if a certain path was followed . They "express their moral certainty and spiritual understanding of what will be because of what is, because Yaweh and no other god is Lord"


Anon is thinking that the Q mission may have changed on the orders of the current CINC. Reconcile.