Anonymous ID: 2f78aa Sept. 7, 2023, 9:56 p.m. No.19510587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0592 >>0594 >>0597 >>0600 >>0603 >>0610 >>0671 >>0678 >>0704


Listen I have to sleepy time, but this is my last post to for you newfags.

Fungus and I were both bakers during 4/pol/ days.

We were trusted tripfaggots that Anons knew the bread was not a shill bread.

This was common for shills to split the bread to get the Anon bread deleted by mods, as they would only allow one Q bread to be active.


Now on /cbts/ the first board dedicated to Q stuff, Leaf became an admin or BV.

I remained as a baker.


Eventually Leaf started to range ban IPs to weed out shills, this of course cause a lot of Anons to get banned in the process.

Hell broke loose and everyone complained about Leaf, eventually Leaf lost BV privileges.


This cause him to sperg out and spam attack the board.

He was so affected that he made the threat that he had multiple IPs and all that blah blah blah.


Leaf would fade into obscurity and just spam some generic copy pasta for a couple years until giving up completely.

Leaf was a good baker and trusted, power just went to his head and being dismissed of his duties really took a toll on him.


There are many who are part of this movement and not all last the journey.

So appreciate who you have in the now, because they may not be with us forever.