GcMAF Thread #3
GcProtein which the body converts into GcMAF, gets destroyed by nagalase.
GcProtein/GcMAF Thread #1:
GcProtein/GcMAF Thread #2:
GcProtein/GcMAF Thread #3:
GcMAF is the 'on switch' to the entire immune system. An immune system that can eradicate cancer, tumors, viruses and their diseases, bacteria and other pathogens.
Stress can even cause the body to release nagalase into the bloodstream.
Over 80 holitistic doctors have been murdered, not because they were successfully treating people with cancer, autism and other diseases with GcMAF, but these doctors found that BIG PHARMA were pumping our bodies full of vaccines with nagalase into our bodies, to cause cancer, and other awful diseases (Autism, MS, Parkinsons, Lupus..).
Video: GcMAF Activation, I compiled 3 threads, containing videos, PDF files, graphs, other documents… and more. YOUr IMMUNE SYSTEM was the cure all along, THEREFORE, the EUA for the 'rona jab was illegal as a cure existed, the immune system
Video #2, Cancer cells destroyed by GcMAF
GcMAF has 20 actions on cancer… GcMAF and your immune system can eradicate numerous diseases (many diseases, cancers, and tumors and more treated by GcMAF