Anonymous ID: 98327e Sept. 8, 2023, 12:54 p.m. No.19513024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Leah Remini relieved 'dangerous rapist' Danny Masterson sentenced to prison, slams Scientology as 'multibillion-dollar criminal organization'


Leah Remini – actress and outspoken critic of Scientology – is relieved that "dangerous rapist" Danny Masterson has been sentenced to prison.


Masterson was sentenced to 30 years to life in prison on Thursday. During a retrial in May, the former "That '70s Show" actor was found guilty of two counts of forcible rape in sexual assaults that allegedly occurred between 2001 and 2003. A third rape charge was deadlocked by a hung jury after eight days of deliberations.


Before sentencing, Judge Charlaine Olmedo told Masterson, "You were not convicted based on rumors, innuendo, gossip, and speculation. You were convicted based on evidence that 12 people in the community found to be credible. … You were convicted because each of the victims reported the rapes to someone shortly after the rapes occurred."


Legal Affairs journalist Meghann Cuniff reported, "Olmedo also mentioned that Masterson paid one of his victims nearly $1 million to sign a non-disclosure agreement, which she said 'is an awful lot to pay' for an incident you claim never happened."


Following the sentencing, Masterson's legal team said they plan to appeal due to "substantial" errors.


"We are very disappointed in the sentence the judge handed down today. However, for the past several months, a team of the top appellate lawyers in the country has been reviewing transcripts of the trial. They have identified a number of significant evidentiary and constitutional issues which they will address in briefs to both the state and federal courts," Shawn Holley, Masterson's attorney, told reporters.


Masterson, 47, was convicted of raping two women – both former members of the Church of Scientology.


One victim told the courtroom, "I didn’t choose to be born into Scientology and their rules, just like I didn’t choose to be raped by Danny Masterson."


"Prosecutors had said Scientology officials protected the actor for years after he drugged and sexually assaulted the women, who were also Scientologists but have since left the church, in three separate incidents between 2001 and 2003," according to HuffPost.


Vanity Fair reported that Masterson has been a Scientologist all his life and that his mother, Hollywood talent agent Carol Masterson, has been a member of the church for many years.


Remini was at the sentencing along with "women who survived Danny Masterson's predation."


The actress said of Masterson, "I am relieved that this dangerous rapist will be off the streets and unable to violently assault and rape women with the help of Scientology, a multibillion-dollar criminal organization with tax-exempt status."


"For over two decades, Danny Masterson avoided accountability for his crimes," Remini said in a statement. "While Danny was the only one sentenced, his conviction and sentence are indictments against Scientology, its operatives, and its criminal leader, David Miscavige."


The star of "The King of Queens" continued, "Scientology managed to cover up Danny's crimes with the help of its intelligence agency, the Office of Special Affairs, top 'church' officials like Kirsten Caetano Pedersen and Julian Swartz, its network of media-hungry unethical attorneys, private investigators, agents, and civilian Scientologists who engaged in a conspiracy to cover up crimes of sexual violence."


Remini said of the victims, "These women not only faced the living hell of being raped, having their rapes covered up by the very organization that promised to protect them, but they have also faced ruthless and criminal harassment by Scientology and its agents since they came forward to law enforcement."

Anonymous ID: 98327e Sept. 8, 2023, 12:56 p.m. No.19513036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3270 >>3376 >>3423 >>3480 >>3638 >>3663 >>3797 >>3820

Greenwald Exposes "Fraudulent" WaPo Disinformation Study, David Frum, And ADL Propaganda To Silence Dissent


Journalist Glenn Greenwald has once again dissected a load of establishment propaganda disguised as legitimate reporting - this time shredding a new, and fraudulent, "disinformation study" from the Washington Post. And of course, Greenwald has receipts.


The study, which was sponsored by the European Union 'with an Omidyar-funded group' accuses Twitter (X) of facilitating "pro-Russia propaganda" by failing to censor more.


"The EU-led study insisted that Elon Musk’s new Twitter policies, and those of other Big Tech platforms, help spread Russian propaganda –– by which they mean that Musk's reduction of political censorship on the site, and the "failure" of Big Tech generally to censor upon command, is "dangerous,"" according to Greenwald.


Greenwald then opines on the hypocrisy of people who "constantly march under the banner of “saving democracy” and “pro-democracy” and “saving the West from authoritarianism” when in reality their central project is to eliminate free speech in the digital age."

Anonymous ID: 98327e Sept. 8, 2023, 12:58 p.m. No.19513043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3270 >>3343 >>3376 >>3423 >>3480 >>3638 >>3663 >>3797 >>3820

California Assembly Passes Controversial Bill Granting Judges Authority to Remove Child Custody from Parents for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity: Newsom to Make Final Decision


California Assembly passed AB 957, a controversial bill that will grant judges the authority to remove child custody from parents who refused to affirm their kids’ gender identity.


Ashley Zavala, California Capitol Correspondent, broke the news, highlighting the rift between the Republicans and Democrats over the bill’s stipulations.


“California lawmakers send Gov. Gavin Newsom a proposed law that would require judges to consider a parents affirmation of their child’s identity in custody cases,” she wrote.


Republicans argued that judges already possess the discretionary power to consider all aspects of a child’s well-being, including gender identity, when ruling on custody cases. The Democrats, on the other hand, argued that a parent’s affirmation of a child’s gender identity is crucial for the child’s mental and emotional health.


Parents affirm their children. Typically it happens when their gender identity matches their biological gender. But when it doesn’t, the affirmation starts to wane… Our duty as parents is to affirm our children,” said Democrat California State Rep. Lori Wilson.


The proposed law cleared the Assembly after some final tweaks and has already been given the nod by the Senate. All that’s left now is for Governor Gavin Newsom to either sign or veto the bill.


Parents in California should seriously think about leaving now.


A.B. 957 originally passed the California State Assembly back on May 3. As the Daily Signal reported on Friday, Assembly Member Lori Wilson, D-Suisun City, wrote the bill and introduced it on Feb. 14.


But the State Senator Scott Wiener, a CHILDLESS man who co-authored the legislation, amended it in California’s State Senate on June 6.

Anonymous ID: 98327e Sept. 8, 2023, 1:27 p.m. No.19513224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3367 >>3376 >>3423 >>3480 >>3638 >>3663 >>3797 >>3820

Leaked: CIA Front Preparing Color Revolution in Indonesia


Documents passed anonymously to MintPress News reveal the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a notorious CIA front, is laying the foundations for a color revolution in Indonesia.


In February 2024, citizens will elect their President, Vice President, and both legislative chambers. Current maverick leader Joko Widodo, widely beloved by Indonesians, is ineligible for a third term, and NED is preparing to seize power in the wake of his departure. This operation is conducted despite the leaks indicating Jakarta’s foremost intelligence agency has expressly warned U.S. officials to stay put.


The paper trail is a stunning insight into how NED operates behind the scenes, from which obvious inferences can be drawn about its activities elsewhere, past and present. By the organization’s own reckoning, it operates in over 100 countries and disperses in excess of 2,000 grants every year. In Indonesia, these sums have helped extend the Endowment’s tendrils into various NGOs, civil society groups, and, most crucially, political parties and candidates across the ideological spectrum.


This broad spread bet goes some way to ensuring U.S. assets, one way or another, will emerge victorious next February. However, a veritable army of NED operatives on the ground is also primed to challenge, if not overturn, the results should the wrong people win. Personal grants – in other words, bribes – from the Endowment have already secretly been distributed to Indonesians for staging anti-government protests.


What skullduggery NED has in store for election day isn’t certain, although sparks are assured to fly. At the very least, these documents amply reinforce what Endowment cofounder Allen Weinstein openly admitted in 1991:


A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”


‘The Jokowi Effect’


Joko Widodo – popularly known as Jokowi – is something of a rockstar. The first Indonesian leader not drawn from the country’s established political or military elite since its hard-won independence from the Dutch in 1949, he was born and raised in a riverside slum in Surakarta. From there, he fought to become mayor of his hometown in 2005, then governor of Jakarta in 2012, then President two years later.


Every step of the way, Widodo has battled bureaucracy and corruption while pursuing programs to deliver universal healthcare, economic growth, radical infrastructure development, and material improvements to the lives of average citizens. Such is his domestic popularity that analysts routinely speak of the “Jokowi Effect.” After the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle named him their presidential candidate in 2014, their vote share leaped 30% in that year’s legislative election.


Widodo’s candidacy also reportedly stimulated Indonesia’s stock market and Rupiah currency due to his sparkling political and economic record. One might think burnishing the country’s finances to such a degree through sheer force of personality would make him an ideal leader from Washington’s perspective. Yet, the President has also prioritized “protecting Indonesia’s sovereignty” and limiting overseas influence in Jakarta. Moreover, he pursues an intensely independent foreign policy, much to the U.S. Empire’s chagrin.


Widodo has encouraged leaders of Muslim states to reconcile and pushed for Palestinian independence. His Foreign Minister visits Palestine but refuses to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. He has also distributed sizable aid to oppressed Muslims abroad. Most egregiously, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he flew to both countries and urged their leaders to seek peace. When Jakarta hosted the G20 Summit that year, he invited not only Zelensky but Putin to attend despite fierce Western criticism.