Anonymous ID: 8d42f0 Sept. 8, 2023, 5:27 p.m. No.19514771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4780 >>4798

Epstein’s Legend of Zorro


As a crony of tech fraudster Jeffrey Epstein who invested in lifelike sex dolls based on his years of experience with less-than-legal teens, Richardson helped finagle the insider real-estate deal for the pedophile’s 7,600 acre Zorro Ranch, north of the state capital Santa Fe. Yes, Epstein did not die in jail but was spotted at the ranch two months after his ‘suicide’…which is conveniently located out of public sight and in short distance from the state line with Colorado and access to either I-70 or I-40 for trucks heading to Jimmy Alefantis’ pedophile safe-house chain in Virginia. Whatever became of all the DACA kids? Now you know. The ranch was recently sold for $300 to a Florida (state) registered Love and Bliss Church, headed by 22-year-old Alexander Leszczynski, in a deed transfer signed by Epstein in April 2019. (Epstein supposedly died on August 10, 2019.) “Out of the night, when the full moon is bright, comes a whore’s man known as Z-Z-Zorro!”


Later, as U.S. Energy Secretary, Richardson was embroiled in two, among many other controversies, in New Mexico. The first being to authorize an underground site south of Carlsbad caverns for a long-term (eternal) nuclear-waste dump site (which later caught fire), and the second was the hysterical spy scandal at Los Alamos laboratory involving a Taiwanese physicist Wen Ho Lee, who eventually was proven innocent after this academic career was demolished.

Anonymous ID: 8d42f0 Sept. 8, 2023, 5:32 p.m. No.19514798   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Death arrives for a Dubious Americano


In a huge surprise to New Mexico residents, Richardson died at his paternal home in Massachusetts, electing not to retire in the southwestern state that he exploited to the personal financial detriment of farmers, ranchers and foresters facing annual tax hikes and ever more costly state “fees”, along with chronic water shortages and punitive laws, since his reign as “jefe” (dictatorial chieftain).


Brief mention must be given to his rather dubious biography, which begins with his birth in Pasadena. Actually, he was reportedly the child of an American banker practicing in Mexico City and a local woman. As the dodgy story goes, his mom crossed into the USA to ensure her child of U.S. citizenship. That account is a total crock since the children of an American father residing abroad are born citizens (as in my own case).


That raises the question of whether his “parents” were legally married or if little Dickie was under Mexican law a “hijo ilegitimo”, an illegitimate child or, more pungently, a “bastardo”. Let me end this bit of truth-telling with the fond hope that Geronimo and Pancho, wherever their spirits may be swirling like dust devils over this god-forsaken desert, are for once and for all laughing out loud, since revenge must be as sweet as caramel flan made of Chihuahua goat’s milk. Ole!