Nice Bell
Sorry for the long message but this is about the future of the Republican Party and our nation.
ReĀpubĀliĀcan votĀers face an imĀporĀtant choice next year. It will deĀterĀmine both the fate of our party and the course of our naĀtion. Will we be the party of conĀserĀvatism, or will we folĀlow the siren song of popĀulism unĀmoored to conĀserĀvĀaĀtive prinĀciĀples?
The diĀvide beĀtween these two facĀtions is unĀbridgeĀable. ConĀserĀvĀaĀtives like me beĀlieve that manās rights come from God and naĀture, not from the state. Like our founders, we know the imĀperĀfect naĀture of men and women and that grantĀing them unĀlimĀited power imĀperĀils libĀerty. That is why we have a brilĀliant sysĀtem of checks and balĀances, diĀviĀsions of auĀthorĀity, coĀequal branches of govĀernĀment and sovĀereign state govĀernĀments. ConĀserĀvĀaĀtives unĀderĀstand that to adĀvance an agenda on beĀhalf of the AmerĀiĀcan peoĀple, we must work through this sysĀtem.
For decades, conĀserĀvatismās ideĀoĀlogĀiĀcal riĀval has been libĀerĀalĀism. The radĀiĀcal left has now taken the DeĀmoĀcĀraĀtic Party into the abyss of proĀgresĀsive soĀcialĀism unĀder the guise of the woke cliĀmate agenda.
But toĀday anĀother strain of this ideĀolĀogy chalĀlenges conĀserĀvatism from within and for conĀtrol of the ReĀpubĀliĀcan Party.
PopĀulist moveĀments have long been part of AmerĀiĀcaās polĀiĀtics. They have most ofĀten been led by DeĀmocĀrats and leftĀists, such as William JenĀnings Bryan, Huey Long and Bernie Sanders.
But a popĀulist moveĀment is now risĀing in the ReĀpubĀliĀcan Party. This growĀing facĀtion would subĀstiĀtute our faith in limĀited govĀernĀment and traĀdiĀtional valĀues for an agenda stitched toĀgether by perĀsonal grievĀances and perĀforĀmaĀtive outĀrage.
ReĀpubĀliĀcan popĀulists would abanĀdon AmerĀiĀcan leadĀerĀship on the world stage, emĀbracĀing a posĀture of apĀpeaseĀment in the face of risĀing threats to freeĀdom.
ReĀpubĀliĀcan popĀulists would erode our conĀstiĀtuĀtional norms. A leadĀing canĀdiĀdate last year called for the āterĀmiĀnaĀtionā of āall rules, regĀuĀlaĀtions, and arĀtiĀcles, even those found in the ConĀstiĀtuĀtion,ā while his imĀiĀtaĀtors have demonĀstrated willĀingĀness to branĀdish govĀernĀment power to siĀlence critĀics.
ReĀpubĀliĀcan popĀulists would have us trade in our time-honĀored prinĀciĀples for passĀing pubĀlic opinĀion.
That isnāt a trade I am willĀing to make. I am an unĀapoloĀgetic conĀserĀvĀaĀtive who beĀlieves that strong naĀtional deĀfense, limĀited govĀernĀment and traĀdiĀtional valĀues must guide our naĀtion as much toĀday as they have guided our party for the past 50 years.
Should the new popĀulism of the right seize and guide our party, the GOP as we have long known it will cease to exĀist.
If we are to deĀfeat Joe Biden and turn AmerĀica around, the GOP must be the party of limĀited govĀernĀment, free enĀterĀprise, fisĀcal reĀsponĀsiĀbilĀity and traĀdiĀtional valĀues.
Whatās really going to bake your noodle is when you think about it, what if PDJT had been president still? Mike Pence would still be the vice president as well. At least, this way, the Biden crime family is being exposed from the Oval Office!
Thank You, That IS What he said!!!!
OMG, so sad.
Report them for campaign contributions, The donāt have American Values.
The great thing about the Internet is you get to see whatās really going on.