Anonymous ID: fce71f Sept. 8, 2023, 6:34 p.m. No.19515171   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


Sorry for the long message but this is about the future of the Republican Party and our nation.

ReĀ­pubĀ­liĀ­can votĀ­ers face an imĀ­porĀ­tant choice next year. It will deĀ­terĀ­mine both the fate of our party and the course of our naĀ­tion. Will we be the party of conĀ­serĀ­vatism, or will we folĀ­low the siren song of popĀ­ulism unĀ­moored to conĀ­serĀ­vĀ­aĀ­tive prinĀ­ciĀ­ples?

The diĀ­vide beĀ­tween these two facĀ­tions is unĀ­bridgeĀ­able. ConĀ­serĀ­vĀ­aĀ­tives like me beĀ­lieve that manā€™s rights come from God and naĀ­ture, not from the state. Like our founders, we know the imĀ­perĀ­fect naĀ­ture of men and women and that grantĀ­ing them unĀ­limĀ­ited power imĀ­perĀ­ils libĀ­erty. That is why we have a brilĀ­liant sysĀ­tem of checks and balĀ­ances, diĀ­viĀ­sions of auĀ­thorĀ­ity, coĀ­equal branches of govĀ­ernĀ­ment and sovĀ­ereign state govĀ­ernĀ­ments. ConĀ­serĀ­vĀ­aĀ­tives unĀ­derĀ­stand that to adĀ­vance an agenda on beĀ­half of the AmerĀ­iĀ­can peoĀ­ple, we must work through this sysĀ­tem.

For decades, conĀ­serĀ­vatismā€™s ideĀ­oĀ­logĀ­iĀ­cal riĀ­val has been libĀ­erĀ­alĀ­ism. The radĀ­iĀ­cal left has now taken the DeĀ­moĀ­cĀ­raĀ­tic Party into the abyss of proĀ­gresĀ­sive soĀ­cialĀ­ism unĀ­der the guise of the woke cliĀ­mate agenda.

But toĀ­day anĀ­other strain of this ideĀ­olĀ­ogy chalĀ­lenges conĀ­serĀ­vatism from within and for conĀ­trol of the ReĀ­pubĀ­liĀ­can Party.

PopĀ­ulist moveĀ­ments have long been part of AmerĀ­iĀ­caā€™s polĀ­iĀ­tics. They have most ofĀ­ten been led by DeĀ­mocĀ­rats and leftĀ­ists, such as William JenĀ­nings Bryan, Huey Long and Bernie Sanders.

But a popĀ­ulist moveĀ­ment is now risĀ­ing in the ReĀ­pubĀ­liĀ­can Party. This growĀ­ing facĀ­tion would subĀ­stiĀ­tute our faith in limĀ­ited govĀ­ernĀ­ment and traĀ­diĀ­tional valĀ­ues for an agenda stitched toĀ­gether by perĀ­sonal grievĀ­ances and perĀ­forĀ­maĀ­tive outĀ­rage.

ReĀ­pubĀ­liĀ­can popĀ­ulists would abanĀ­don AmerĀ­iĀ­can leadĀ­erĀ­ship on the world stage, emĀ­bracĀ­ing a posĀ­ture of apĀ­peaseĀ­ment in the face of risĀ­ing threats to freeĀ­dom.

ReĀ­pubĀ­liĀ­can popĀ­ulists would erode our conĀ­stiĀ­tuĀ­tional norms. A leadĀ­ing canĀ­diĀ­date last year called for the ā€œterĀ­miĀ­naĀ­tionā€ of ā€œall rules, regĀ­uĀ­laĀ­tions, and arĀ­tiĀ­cles, even those found in the ConĀ­stiĀ­tuĀ­tion,ā€ while his imĀ­iĀ­taĀ­tors have demonĀ­strated willĀ­ingĀ­ness to branĀ­dish govĀ­ernĀ­ment power to siĀ­lence critĀ­ics.

ReĀ­pubĀ­liĀ­can popĀ­ulists would have us trade in our time-honĀ­ored prinĀ­ciĀ­ples for passĀ­ing pubĀ­lic opinĀ­ion.

That isnā€™t a trade I am willĀ­ing to make. I am an unĀ­apoloĀ­getic conĀ­serĀ­vĀ­aĀ­tive who beĀ­lieves that strong naĀ­tional deĀ­fense, limĀ­ited govĀ­ernĀ­ment and traĀ­diĀ­tional valĀ­ues must guide our naĀ­tion as much toĀ­day as they have guided our party for the past 50 years.

Should the new popĀ­ulism of the right seize and guide our party, the GOP as we have long known it will cease to exĀ­ist.

If we are to deĀ­feat Joe Biden and turn AmerĀ­ica around, the GOP must be the party of limĀ­ited govĀ­ernĀ­ment, free enĀ­terĀ­prise, fisĀ­cal reĀ­sponĀ­siĀ­bilĀ­ity and traĀ­diĀ­tional valĀ­ues.

Anonymous ID: fce71f Sept. 8, 2023, 6:38 p.m. No.19515203   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


Whatā€™s really going to bake your noodle is when you think about it, what if PDJT had been president still? Mike Pence would still be the vice president as well. At least, this way, the Biden crime family is being exposed from the Oval Office!