Anonymous ID: a700cf Sept. 9, 2023, 8:09 a.m. No.19517859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7874 >>7909

The radical Left continues to spread lies and fear, but I want to make things crystal clear:

  • You’re not “old-fashioned” for thinking self-control, temperance, and virtue are good things.​​​​

  • You’re not “intolerant” for saying America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.

  • You’re not “crazy” for believing children do best with a loving mother and father in the home.​​​​

  • You’re not “controlling” for wanting your family to go to church together on Sundays.

​​What I really want you to know today is that you’re not alone in your beliefs.

You’re part of the remnant of believers who’ve been faithful to God and His Word for thousands of years.

The deceivers on the Left want you to think you’re an outlier while painting their radical and immoral ideas as ‘normal.’ And sadly, some in our own party are going along with them.

But here’s the truth – 8 out of 10 Americans still believe in God.

I’ve been flooded with support from believers just like you who are fired up to save our country and put God first.

Today, I’m praying you’ll join to ensure God and Godly values return to the forefront of our great nation.

Unlike the time of Noah, Moses, the apostles, and so many other periods in history – right now, we believers aren’t a small, faithful remnant. We believers make up the VAST MAJORITY of Americans.

I know with you by our side and our conviction in Christ, God will save our land.

So please rush your support now!

God Bless,