Anonymous ID: fda33d Sept. 9, 2023, 5:55 a.m. No.19517341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7353 >>7503

>>19516454 pb

as far as the last bread

the Rain on them, has yet to begin.

We'll see what happens.

Rain will wash down their lies.


>>19517270 lb

They hate consensus; that's why the persistent shill here projects that "consensus" onto the board.

How much do you think its gets paid? Here day and night?

Why do they hate consensus?

Because they want us divided, They want us alone. They want us to disbelieve our own eyes, our own minds, what we know.

They want us broken.

If we get a confirm here (and there's no enforcement) that will re-enforce our own intelligence; (which is why this board was created, or at least one reason, per Q team) which NWO cannot have.

They can not have us trusting ourselves. We must obey.

Didn'd Klaus say (on a tape sneaked into the public realm?) "the masks are for obedience only. they are no use against any illness. what we need is obedience"


So the shill claiming/ blaming/ shaming "consensus" on something ridiculous like "hello good morning" or "may you be blesses" actually wants Obedience.

Wants everyone to believe such banal statements constitute unnecessary influence, and are a sign of brain - washing.


guess they had to think up something after moojoo failure?

>>19517260 lb

dude will just get a new IP

Obviously on the payroll

banning would just give it credence. Better just to see through its BS, as we did and do around the jew-haters, who are definitely "board personalities"


anit' true smokn pepe shill team never goes against those?

it's calledFAKE

Anonymous ID: fda33d Sept. 9, 2023, 6:38 a.m. No.19517503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7564


Proved by the Insta-shill


must've hit a soft spot.

They are now commanding that if anyone answers more than one post, with one post, they are allegedly shill.

Yet wasting hundreds of posts of bread, as they do, is not shilling nor spam?

they expect you to believe that;upon their command.


Shills are used to having silence in reply to their lies; as what happens now on Twit and FB since hundreds of thousands of "dissidents" were erased from those platforms.


Here we can reply, that's the whole point.

The reason the shill are hobbled here? They actually have no answer.

"can't prove a lie" ! is a fact.

so all they have left is spam and empty personal attacks against "anon" -s

maybe that why they imagine "board personalities" so they can have someone to attack?; Since they, by how reality is constructed, can not engage on the substance of anything.

Lies are a fail. They Can't stand.



>>19517270 lb


point I forgot over there ^

There is no enforcement of any consensus here. Any consensus here is organic.

Think of it, They spend billions enforcing consensus through their social media platforms, YouTube take-downs (psy-ops where they plant false knowledge 'earth is flat' while deleted any contrary voices) (to make their lies appear stable)

Yet, on here, since they can't compete on the actual substance, they make-up a ground of attack. All around "consensus"

kekekkkkkek too funny.

because they are the ones who have to build that "mass psychosis" of false concensus.

So, for the antidote to mass insanity (free speech) they have to try to pin their own flaw on 8kun q research.

"somebody's enforcing consensus"

How limited is that?

Poor things.

They can only choose their own flaws to project onto this board?

There's no enforced consensus here; nor is there the ability to create such a thing, un-naturally.

Any consensus would be around the 'Ring' of Truth. It has a "sound." It has a vibration.

The Truth is sound, solid.


(Because people here, who are anons, achieve an improbable "get," doesn't mean they are AI; just so you know.)


Doesn't this lady resemble "Aj hicks" And her name is also "Hicks" "She" looks so much like him; she could be him in drag?

didn' t AJ/hicks go to London for initiation in Freemasonry?

"She's " a close relative of Lord Mountbatten - who was the cousin or brother? of Prince Philip, consort to QE1. Mount-Batten, wht a name? ( I believe that was another assumed name? their family loves to do) He was allegedly blown up by a terrorist while boating.

Bad luk. But it could've been a false flag; he was known also, as a kiddie diddler, and prolly "did" Charlie. Close friend / relative to Charlie's pop.

Anonymous ID: fda33d Sept. 9, 2023, 6:52 a.m. No.19517564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7575


"Think of it, They spend billions enforcing consensus through their social media platforms, YouTube take-downs (psy-ops where they plant false knowledge 'earth is flat' while deleted any contrary voices) (to make their lies appear stable)"


forgot to mention BLANKeting of Propaganda 24 / 7, positively blaring it for years on end - to create a control / consensus.

Yet our little corner here drives them crazy, insane.


Such over-reaction is a massive "tell" - insecurity.

We'll see what happens

Anonymous ID: fda33d Sept. 9, 2023, 8:17 a.m. No.19517891   🗄️.is 🔗kun

thanks for the advise.

But I'm a dissadent like my American and Christian ancestors.

All the gun knowledge and you still have to duck and keep you mouth shut.

maybe, but that's why we're anon her.

And those assholes don't "rule my world" except in your imagination.

Did you ever hear of "Do Not Consent"?

You might try it, it's a mass movement


noice , shouldn't be enforcing illegal fiat bans. And so they don't.




This is it. Through with the covidian cult and the Trump haters. And /or Trump averse



Turned-on by Faeces, like the Poop of the Roman Church



the reason stupid lame shill resent posts that answer back more than one?

==because they have nothing to say and they are jealous; want me to be coward; That's their full technique Bully

As long as you know its Bull, can freely ignore and walk on by