Anonymous ID: 17bfff Sept. 9, 2023, 12:33 p.m. No.19519060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9189

>>19518814 pb

>>19518762 pb

Talking about giving the movie rights, of King assassination story, to Oliver Stone; and why Stone is a "hang-out"


buddy’s got no nickel curve, got no changeup, got no screwball, just fast and faster are his only

pitches, see. He knows how to stick out his tongue and cross the line, ‘til they get pissed at

him, he just don’t know how to keep it in his pants and erase the line; and that simple trick is

the difference between bein’ forced to play somebody else's game and bein’ able to play your

own. It's the difference between me dyin’ in prison without ever havin’ my case heard, and

provin’ in a court of law that I didn’t shoot MLK."


Now Trump has a chance to prove himself "not guilty" in Court!


Percy Foreman gave Ray 500$ to betray him. Must've been really worn out with all the F B 1 torture treatment?

Wonder how much $$$ Percy got?

They ( the culprits / perps) knew they had a problem when Ray wasn't at the scene of the crime - as they had planned for him to be, And they had to bring him back from Europe.

F b j fucks up; but somehow always manages?

>>19518762 pb

>>19518814 pb


>>19518043 lb

Story of F b eye cult / crime is an Epic; no doubt.

Anonymous ID: 17bfff Sept. 9, 2023, 1:01 p.m. No.19519189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9301


Fuckers Be Inside our headquarter never stop any; they go in after the fact, to take the investigation away from local police;

Why? Because they, and "Homeland Security" and FEMA, and maybe local Masonic Lodges and Luciferian covens? help a bit, and are the ones who stage the "terror events"

It's "Gladio" under some other new "cool" code name; For the 007 Crooks; yes they do all work for the Queen / Royalty; finally found that out.

All they can do now is implausibly deny, try to jail or kill everyone who's "onto them,"

And/ or if all else fails, go into hiding or commit suicide?

>>19518043 lb


Story of F b eye cult / crime is an Epic; no doubt.

Think of what they've done to Julian Assange, mulitiple by 100K , at least and you still won't reach the suffering and evil they have caused.

Anonymous ID: 17bfff Sept. 9, 2023, 1:23 p.m. No.19519301   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They'd have murdered Assange by now, but he must have a killer dead man's switch?


>>19518833 lb

Soros takes orders from the owl cult - Cult of Minerva? Is that a trans tradition? They worship the "goddess"/ the witches, which are really men in woman's clothing? And maybe, nowadays, surgery?

I found a pic the other day of a person a lot of these people are claimed to have descended from? Seems odd because he looks gay, wearing an earring.

Maybe he was -bi?

He was a Knight Templar Sir John "St. John" first an last name.

I know. Strange. "I've seen it also as "St. John St. John" Like Sirhan Sirhan? - whose real name was Sirhan "Sir Ham" (something else) but he didn't give his last name, so the crack detectives at the F bee 1 just doubled his first name.

Or, maybe that was "on purpose" since he was a mind control victim - handled by "Dr. Green" and maybe the family already knew too much; So they'd prefer no one "look into" his family?

Might also have done that to obscure the fact he was Egyptian? not Palestinian? Was he Egyptian? A lot of Egyptians went to Palestine. Were the Palestinians imported from Egypt to create division and War?

Sir John St. John is supposedly someone different from "St. John St John" (they f-ed around with the chronology, so maybe they had to double names? Or elide parts of a name to "create" another record, another person - as they do with voting records.

Sir John St. John has a father of the same name, but no citation?


With all the "ghost" identities / phantom people they create for their ops, what the Deep State cult creates for the 'Now' - THINK if they had four hundred or eight hundred years to work with!

Wonder who keeps track of it all?

Anonymous ID: 17bfff Sept. 9, 2023, 1:45 p.m. No.19519397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9407 >>9453


look f be 1 has started a black american slander shill group

this only started after Trump's mug shot release, which got him the support of Black American Males


you guys caught with you pants down again.

the F bwe i fags are fantasizing about getting blown by black men.


We know you guys really hate Blacks, it's an Fucker Be Insideers Hoo Hoo ver.

Killing MLK felt really good; didn't it, you monsters.

Think you are elite, called code of Chilelry.

Go back to Europe where you belong.

Your foreigners, Stealing our Country.

Anonymous ID: 17bfff Sept. 9, 2023, 1:47 p.m. No.19519407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9453


You're foreigners, Stealing our Country.

Sorry Spelling Nazi

cry moar F be 1 / AdL

Black American males see your game. That's goes for Kamala, Biden and all the rest of you criminals.

Anonymous ID: 17bfff Sept. 9, 2023, 1:58 p.m. No.19519453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9491 >>9492


cry more NEW black hater shill

we see you.


sick dirty trick

They lay awake at night thinking up shit like this; psychos

They did this kind of harrassment to JFK. They're gang stalkers.




cry moar. freedom of speech. perfectly legal

remember when you guys constantly enacted killing Trump

Is that Dougie. Figures.

The guy who plants Jewhate on here then complains

he posting murder stuff now


Anonymous ID: 17bfff Sept. 9, 2023, 2:19 p.m. No.19519549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Re count?

Went to the SCOTUS who awarded the election to W. Bush; so he could do 9/11

don't be silly

Both side are crooks. It's called UNIPARTY

Guess who started the comped machines in EVERY State?

George W. Bush

"help americans vote"

and then abolished exit polls

Scotus stopped the vote count.

Anonymous ID: 17bfff Sept. 9, 2023, 2:26 p.m. No.19519598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9616


we know you hate black americans.

Did you turn in your moojoo kike badge for now?

this just started, when Trump polls started going up with black males

Ur not kidding anybody F Bee Impotent. Not now.

Not anymoar.

yesh, moojwwookike talk ended

and all a sudden you guys sware here with "blackamericannigger" talk

You think we're stupid

No, you're the stupid fakers.