Anonymous ID: 642498 Sept. 9, 2023, 12:59 p.m. No.19519173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9202

Regarding movies/indoctrination and Pb notable 19518178


The agency referred to is USIS/USIA/USICA that reverted back to USIA in 1982. They had entire bureaus dedicated to radio, TV and cinema with other bureaus analyzing media and population reactions. They’re a direct offshoot of OSS. They’re still around, just under a different/previously-parent agency.

Look up their history and directors. Dulles’ brother appears. They had their tentacles controlling every Hollywood film company except Paramount at the time. They tried obfuscating the history with tons of reorganizations, but it always maintained its primary function. PBS and BBG (new name now) are offshoots.