Gina Haspel–What is Real, What is Not?
May 13, 2018–The smoke and fog have not cleared over the nomination of CIA officer Gina Haspel to direct her agency. Among the latest contributions to the obfuscation is yesterday’s column by John Sipher (“Why Haspel Should be CIA Director,” New York Times May 12, 2018). Sipher is a respected 27-year CIA veteran who worked the Russia account much as did Haspel, and his views no doubt command respect. That is why it’s necessary to call attention to the real and unreal in his piece.
The main point in Sipher’s argument is that Gina Haspel, by virtue of her spy experience, is capable of “standing up” to a post-truth White House. She has the required integrity, experience and personality to do so, Sipher argues. OK. Let’s deconstruct that. Ms Haspel’s integrity was on display at her confirmation hearing on May 9. She faced repeated questions regarding her participation in the CIA torture program, including from senators who demanded a yes or no answer. Each time the nominee launched into a litany about the future and how she will never permit the CIA to get back into interrogation. Each time she refused to answer the actual question. Haspel was under oath at the time, and had previously answered in the affirmative an overarching question from the intelligence committee chairman promising fulsome and honest answers to all questions.
(rest of story here)