Anonymous ID: 00f536 Sept. 9, 2023, 9:38 p.m. No.19522310   🗄️.is 🔗kun

so all the dick pic one-posts are here at the same time as the cry cry cry narciscist.

gee, imagine that.

"prove it" he'll say.

same thing everytime.

every time it shows up, same stuff happens.

Anonymous ID: 00f536 Sept. 9, 2023, 9:55 p.m. No.19522395   🗄️.is 🔗kun


run the same bullshit psyops nioght after night

disrespect anyone who isn't on the team

act all high and mighty and post copy pasta to try to shame them

IP hop and post tranny dick pics and CP and gore.

Say you are only kidding

tell any one on the team to KYS.

act all upset after people react to it becuase you've trained to loath and detest your behavior.

IP hop and post sanctimonious accusatory lists.

Back to the top.


good night creep.

Anonymous ID: 00f536 Sept. 9, 2023, 10:25 p.m. No.19522517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2525

run the same bullshit psyops night after night

disrespect anyone who isn't on the team

post anime images of an evil troll anime claiming bread

act all high and mighty and post copy pasta to try to shame them

IP hop and post tranny dick pics and CP and gore.

Say you are only kidding

tell any one on the team to KYS.

act all upset after people react to the psyop and object to in, knowing full well that it is because you've trained to trigger on the anime and CP, gore, and porn to loath and detest your behavior.

IP hop and post sanctimonious accusatory lists.

Back to the top.

all of this is the result of your psyops to train the anon to abreact when

the tranymae baker starts the cringe show.

it's laughable that you object to that because that's what you've wanted all along, discord and upset anon.


Anonymous ID: 00f536 Sept. 9, 2023, 10:31 p.m. No.19522543   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh, I forgot to add

harrass anyone who posts anything that explains your behavior.

and 'say provide proof' for unprobable things.


aren't you not supposed to respond to shills?

you act like I'm one.

once again: the training of people to loath and detest the anime persona who posts the cringey demonic anime pictures and then starts in with narciscism is what you guys have done for months.

again: it's laughable that when a tired anon reacts to it you get all upset about it.

you trained us all the hate you, didn't you?

and so why when we behave with obvious upset and loathing, because we are tired and don't want to deal with the crap one more time, then you start in.


how about the time anime baker coached someone on how to post porn to psychological screw with people before bedtime to try to 'turn them gay'?


but all that is memory holed by your because that's what you do.

soorry I triggered to night

its what you all want me to do.

I'm soooo ashamed