Anonymous ID: 418457 Sept. 9, 2023, 9:51 p.m. No.19522369   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2402


Original version

Main articles: Operating Thetan and Jesus in Scientology

In a posthumous prophecy that was intentionally withheld until after his death, Hubbard claims that 80 million years ago, a group of aliens that exist outside of human spacetime developed a plan to take over the universe by activating an inserted genetic implant that will allow for the enslavement of the universe through telepathic mind control. The implant will be activated during the return of the galactic confederacy, which Hubbard declares is "rapidly approaching". All world religions, except for "Original Buddhism", are participating in a conspiracy with the aliens to telepathically enslave the universe. Hubbard claims that the Second Coming described in the Book of Revelation refers to this event. Hubbard portrays his mission as that of fulfilling "the Biblical promise represented by the Antichrist" where an "arch-enemy of Christ" will emerge and stop the galactic confederacies' return. Hubbard then asserts that the Historical Jesus was "a lover of young boys and men"โ€”implying that he was a homosexual and a pedophile[22]:โ€Š186โ€Šโ€”and claims that "the sainted figure [he] has been made out to be" is due to the R6 Implant. Hubbard then writes, "I will return not as a religious leader but a political one" and "halt a series of events designed to make happy slaves of us all". Hubbard warns that someone attempting this auditing level without being prepared may discover what it means to "spontaneously combust". Hubbard also wrote that, with the release of OT VIII, "all the data is now available", implying that this was the last OT level Hubbard intended to publish.[f][23]

Anonymous ID: 418457 Sept. 9, 2023, 9:52 p.m. No.19522374   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The original version authored by Hubbard himself created a furor among Scientologists because of several claims he made that "horribly upset" early participants: he would return from the grave and, in a Messiah-like role, stop an impending apocalyptic alien invasion by the Galactic Confederacy,[a] implying that the Historical Jesus was a homosexual and a pedophile,[b] apparently identifying himself with the Antichrist,[c] warning that someone attempting this auditing level without being prepared may spontaneously combust,[d] and implying that this was the last OT level Hubbard intended to publish.[e] The Church of Scientology asserts that the version of OT VIII provided in the Fishman Affidavit is a forgery, but numerous early participants, as well as Mark Rathbun, former Inspector General of the Religious Technology Center (RTC), have confirmed the document is authentic, and its copyright is verifiable at the United States Copyright Office.[1]

Anonymous ID: 418457 Sept. 9, 2023, 9:53 p.m. No.19522383   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Biographies about Hubbard

Two posthumous biographies were published about Hubbard in 1987: Bare-faced Messiah: The True Story of L. Ron Hubbard by Russell Miller, and L. Ron Hubbard: Madman or Messiah? by L. Ron Hubbard Jr., Hubbard's son.[19] Miller used previously unpublished information about Hubbard for his book, while Hubbard's son relied on his upbringing with Hubbard for his. Both made the same allegation that Scientology was a cult, and that Hubbard had a Messiah complex, with Hubbard Jr. writing that his father had told him that he identified himself with the Antichrist.[20] The church denied these claims. One year later, OT VIII was released.[21]

Anonymous ID: 418457 Sept. 9, 2023, 9:53 p.m. No.19522388   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Forgery allegations and admission of authenticity

Main article: Fishman Affidavit

The Church of Scientology sued Steven Fishman for copyright infringement of the OT VIII materials. Since infringement only exists if the document is authentic, their lawsuit unintentionally established the authenticity of the material.[24] They dropped the suit afterwards and claimed they were forgeries. Despite efforts to prevent others from seeing the publicly available court documents, they were eventually posted to the internet by Scientology critic, Arnie Lerma, in August 1995. Church of Scientology lawyers asserted again that the Fishman OT VIII documents posted by Lerma are forgeries, yet they sued to have them taken down during the copyright battle over Lerma's web pages. The Church of Scientology's attorney, Kendrick Moxon, identified the "Antichrist" document as copyrighted material, establishing their authenticity.[2][25] George White, a public Scientologist who had received OT VIII in the summer of 1988, also asserts the document is authentic (and states that the course cost him US$28,000 at the time).[2] Frank Oliver, a former operative with Scientology's Office of Special Affairs, reports having discovered the document in the church's archives.[2] Lawrence Wollersheim, a notable defector, claims they are genuine: "Two sets of defectors, at different times in different parts of the world, came out with those documents", he says. "I've been working with defectors for fifteen years. I have never dealt with anyone as afraid of having their identity revealed as the people who came out and verified those documents."[26]

Anonymous ID: 418457 Sept. 9, 2023, 9:55 p.m. No.19522394   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2455


Hubbard wrote: "For those of you whose Christian toes I may have stepped on. let me take the opportunity to disabuse you of some lovely myths. For instance, the historic Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure has been made out to be. In addition to being a lover of young boys and men. he was given to uncontrollable bursts of temper and hatred that belied the general message of love, understanding and other typical Marcab PR."[3]

Hubbard wrote: "My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief anti-Christ period."[3]

Hubbard wrote: "There is some danger, but with OT VII thoroughly complete It is not nearly so great as the danger witnessed by assorted unfortunates who happened to stumble into this area in their sleep or in moments of reverie or anaten, experiencing an hitherto mysterious phenomenon known as "spontaneous combustion".[3]

Hubbard wrote: "So there you have it. The secret that I have kept close to my chest all these years. Now you too are part of this secret and I no longer have to shoulder the burden alone or live with the possibility of body death before all the data could be released."[3]

Hubbard wrote:"By the time you read this I will no longer be occupying the body and identity that you have known as Ron.[3]

Anonymous ID: 418457 Sept. 9, 2023, 9:57 p.m. No.19522401   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2423

>>19522398 โ€บ Was-Aleister-Crowley-or-L-Ron-Hubbard-the-Anti-Christ?share=1

Was Aleister Crowley or L. Ron Hubbard the Anti-Christ? - Quora

Answer (1 of 8): Ronald Hubbard CLAIMED to be the antichrist. In fact he alluded to it or directly claimed it at least three different times. Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures. PDC Tape 1 OPENING LECTURE: WHAT IS TO BE DONE IN COURSE "They pick a pc off the street, you see, and they start โ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 418457 Sept. 9, 2023, 9:58 p.m. No.19522407   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2475

>>19522402 โ€บ watch?v=VwX8ElnCFOo

Parsons, Hubbard and the Babalon Apocrypha by Peter Grey

(Taken from a Zoom Lecture on 17th June 2021)"The Two Antichrists" is a monograph by Peter Grey on the figure of Antichrist in a post-Christian and progressiโ€ฆ