Anonymous ID: 099edd Sept. 10, 2023, 4:24 a.m. No.19523197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3213 >>3219 >>3221


anon…I would encourage you to read the secret book of John from the Dead Sea scrolls where it tells the proper story of creation…


-God is everything and cannot be described

-God built a "walkie talkie" so we could understand him with the Son/Holy Ghost (I think SUN here BTW)

-God built 12 realms of Heaven each with its own diety or head

-the 4th realm is Wisdom and was headed by an entity called Sophia

-Sophia decided to create without permission of her male half and without permission of God

-Sophia create a dark realm and a dark being called Yaldaboath

-Yaldaboath when he was created said…I am God and there is no God above me"…which caused Heaven to laugh and dub him Samuel (you can think of him as Yahweh)

-Yaldaboath decided to create and duplicated the 12 realms of heaven with his designates and then decided to create "days" with his "dae-mons"

-God got curious and incarnated (spiritually) into the realm as Adamas

-Samuel was jealous and decided to build a man

-Samuel and his daemons built a physical man and as such created this physical world

-there man would not come to life, so they called on God to animate him

-God stole Samuels light and placed it inside men, but he scattered the light

-Adam came to life by the Light


So this story has to play out and we are in the last chapter. This "realm" had to run its course and it has.


God gave his only "begotten" SUN meaning our Sun is somehow special and brings light to this dark place.


Satan/Yaldaboath/Samuel/Yahew/Whatever has had there time here, it is now time to flip the biscuit and yes…#GodWins…


Jesus came to remind us of our relationship to THE SON/SUN…his message has been corrupted but still shines thru…

Anonymous ID: 099edd Sept. 10, 2023, 4:45 a.m. No.19523244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3254


>The demiurge or yaldaboath or whatever devours your soul to keep you with in its real and never ascend


Some Souls here now I believe are outside that drama and here to help break that cycle. I have heard the same thing about the moon and also about Saturn = Soul trap…

Anonymous ID: 099edd Sept. 10, 2023, 4:59 a.m. No.19523268   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Maybe what anons are trying to do is figure out a way to break the system


+1..exactly what I feel I am doing anon…well said…


>One world religion is not the answer either because what ever is formed is most likely still wrong.


+1..we have to see the rot and be forever appalled by it in order to never let this happen again.


Your relationship with the SUN is the most occulted thing on the planet. This is occulted in pharma, in literature, in everything…


MAN creates…not GOD echos thru everything here…


We had a society built on God and Nature…we will remember it and some already are…#greatwakening and all…


Don't know about others but I am getting a shit ton of downloads concerning health and really feel health is my lane = I both have responsibility for digging/getting shit figured and also for educating about where I am…


Interesting times and glad to have a group of anons who are in it with me…

Anonymous ID: 099edd Sept. 10, 2023, 5:14 a.m. No.19523323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3328


I have an old geography book from around 1900…


It talks about 5 races of men…red, white, black, brown, yellow and we are all descended from these 5 indigenous races of man…

Anonymous ID: 099edd Sept. 10, 2023, 5:22 a.m. No.19523332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3345 >>3412


>Q never left, merely stopped signing his posts.



>"Q never left" (LOL) FUCKING READ!


"Q" is more than you think…Q is our collective. (you) are a piece of that collective and thereby a piece of Q or Q. So as long as anons are here, Q will always be posting.


Of course "someone" knew this and promoted everything and started the Q posts. This is likely a group of you autists who are dropping crumbs from the future. In fact (you) already KNOW THIS…


Q is our collective. It was being driven by TV, influencers, and politicians as we sleep walked thru life. As we wake up #wethepeople will drive the Q where we want it to go, not to where they are steering us…


Tipping point = flippin' the biscuit = we are close…maybe just one red pill away from the flip…


We gotta get it down to the 4-6% then it flips on its own. COIN games, make'emGLOW

Anonymous ID: 099edd Sept. 10, 2023, 5:27 a.m. No.19523342   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Gregory Lujan owned a weed store in Santa Fe, NM called Medfarms.


This is actually pretty easy to get in NM and would not require any favors like other states…noice dig but isn't the "smoking gun" you want (pun intended)…