Anonymous ID: 344eab Sept. 10, 2023, 6:53 a.m. No.19523588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3596

Question: Would open hostilities be aCivil War or Revolutionary War?

Answer: It depends on who is wise enough to declare it. Winner writes the History books.

Why does it matter?

Civil War law is guided by Ex Parte Milligan post Civil War. It would be beneficial to the traitors of our Constitution for this to be applied. It would make Patriots traitors for trying to protect our Constitution. The long drawn out legal process would favor the traitors as they are the ones in control of power.


The speed at which the punishment for traitors happenedDURINGthe Revolutionary War would be necessary for our Constitution's survival. Here is a great history lesson of punishment for treason during the Revolutionary War. ( The irony of John Roberts being executed for Treason is not lost on me)


In Milligan, traitors were to be held until the War ended and then dealt with in civilian trials. ( Ain't nobody got time for that shit now)


Seeing as though the Supreme Court is theONLYCourt in the Constitution, shouldn't we should dispense with the bureaucratic nature causing great delay with lower Courts ?


I believe this Civil war talk is psy-op of the left to shape public opinion and I believe it is dangerous to fall for it.


Newsome is threatening to arrest Governor Abbott for bussing illegals. This act is a clear attempt to rush a narrative of a civil war and States being in rebellion. States siding with the Federal Government in conflict leaves other States the States in rebellion if we follow Civil war theory.


Open hostility would destroy our Country and leave us vulnerable to Foreign invasion and take over. Our enemy is engaged in information warfare to herd us into rebellion. Rebellion will be determined by those who control the narrative .


So I asked again Would open hostilities be aCivil War or Revolutionary War?


Making the narrativeCLEARwould go a long way in avoiding open hostility. If the enemy understand the majority view Revolutionary War law to guide, they would be foolish to try it