Anonymous ID: 3d1737 Sept. 10, 2023, 6:56 a.m. No.19523597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3606 >>3619 >>3625

Bible Anons, I am reading the book of Jeremiah and its seems our nation and the world is reliving the same evils as the time of his prophecies and certainly worse.


It’s seems like the people in prior books of the Bible, learn some lessons and change their ways and made straight their path to God;but in Jeremiahs time, they never seem to listen or learn.


Even then as Jeremiah was warning them, that Jerusalem and Judah will be conquered again by other countries, false prophets multiply and say, peace, peace but there is no peace, denying God in Jeremiah’s prophecy. (Pretty much like the lies and propaganda of the Bidan Administration)


The worship of Baal is multiplied a hundred fold, they are not shamed at all and it’s totally acceptable to them. They even go back to sacrificing their children. They lie, cheat and steal from their own family, etc. They will not confess their sins to be forgiven. Etc


But the most striking thing that is different about prior books and prophets, with Jeremiah’s propheciesthe people do not even listen to God anymore, or his warnings. But God still said, I will not end them, my people, saying in effect I will continue to punish them but will not destroy the seed, and will also forgive them.


It seems like the book of Jeremiah, mirrors all is that is happening in our day, country and world. Perhaps in a way the Q releases are somewhat like prophecies of old, andthe Great Awakening is our last chance to get it right!(PS I’m not comparing Q to the books of bible)


Anons I would like some feedback on your thoughts on Jeremiah and how it compares to the world today, please. I don’t want to discuss the bible all day, just feedback on my theory please.

Anonymous ID: 3d1737 Sept. 10, 2023, 7:09 a.m. No.19523646   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So if that is what you think, wouldn’t you think the same god exists today.


I was talking about the similar allegories of the past, compared to today.