Anonymous ID: ae3903 Sept. 10, 2023, 2:14 a.m. No.19523063   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We are so very pleased to be able to give you the following transmission. Sometimes we must get permission from the higher selves of each individual who will receive the message before we can proceed, and that was the case this time around, because we only can give you that which will serve you vibrationally, spiritually, psychologically, and in every other imaginable way. That is why we sometimes need approval before moving ahead with a transmission. This transmission is about the way you all are shifting energetically as awakened ones, as what we refer to as ‘The Awakened Collective.’


You are there to shift before the rest of humanity, but to also be able to lower your vibration enough to still serve them is of paramount importance. You cannot just leave the rest of humanity behind, as some people have speculated. That’s not the type of shift you signed up for, and it’s not the one you are going to have, but you do have to serve as examples to the rest of humanity. And therefore, holding you back from showing your true selves is not working anymore. You must be allowed to operate as your fifth-dimensional selves, with a higher percentage of your light body turned on. You must be able to demonstrate the powers that you have been honing throughout the time that you’ve been awake, and that means you must have access to more of your gifts and abilities and also your fifth-dimensional abilities.


So there is a certain amount of limitation that is being lifted from the consciousness of each and every member of the awakened collective, because it is time for you to demonstrate what is possible to everyone else. That is why Yeshua walked on water; it was not to show off. It was to demonstrate what was possible. And so, you will be the miracleworkers. You will be the ones to demonstrate what is possible, so long as you’re not doing it for the sake of the ego, or to prove to people that you were right all along. It will be used sparingly for those who are ready to awaken and who need that little nudge, who need something that they can sink their teeth into so to speak, and that’s what you will give them in those moments.


But you will also be operating more as your higher selves, more with those light bodies, which will give you a different energy field. You will appear in a different way to people, and they will be inspired by you and want to know what your secret is, but this time you won’t be telling them about your diet, your skin care regimen, or the supplements you’re taking. You’ll be telling them about consciousness, about who and what they really are, and about the power of focus, the power of intention, the power of vibration. These are the lessons that people need at this time, and they need to know it so much more than they need to know about what’s going on out there in the world, behind the scenes, in the dark shadows. And so, we speak directly to the awakened collective, because we want you to know how your roles are changing, how your bodies are changing, and how your consciousness is changing, because it’s time for you to be who you really are and to not let anything or anyone stand in the way of that.

Anonymous ID: ae3903 Sept. 10, 2023, 2:50 a.m. No.19523083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3084 >>3100 >>3431

LOVE begets LOVE.


This has become one of my MAIN COMMANDMENTS.


And the next one after it:




He can change it at any moment only by THE POWER OF HIS THOUGHT and DESIRE, because he is LIKE GOD, of which he is a part.


I paid a lot of attention to the LAW OF FREE WILL.


Many people misunderstood it, confusing it with the concept of permissiveness.


To better convey it to people, I explained it as follows.


I said that it is BASED ON FREEDOM OF CHOICE, which every person must make for himself.


ANOTHER’S WILL, IMPOSED BY SOMEONE, or someone else’s choice WILL NEVER MAKE him HAPPY, since each soul is UNIQUE and UNREPEATABLE, each came to earth with its own tasks and only the person himself, through spiritual work, is able to “remember” them and feel what he needs, which will help him fulfill his purpose on earth.


And to do this you need to ASK YOURSELF:






WHAT BRINGS ME JOY and satisfaction?








And when answering these questions for yourself, it is important to proceed NOT from practical considerations, generally accepted values, traditional views on life, but to LOOK into the very DEPTH OF YOUR SOUL and understand what it wants – your Divine part, and not you as a person living on earth.


The answer may come to you as an INSIGHT, as a hint from above, or as some SIGN that fate will throw at you in the form of the right person or an unexpected situation.


It is important to LEARN TO CATCH all kinds of TIPS sent to you by the Higher Powers and your own soul.


And they are ALWAYS PRESENT in the life of every person.




She is ALWAYS with YOU, always at hand.


And if you are able to establish a dialogue with her, then your life will take on a completely different meaning – YOU ARE A CONNECTOR with GOD WHO WILL GUIDE YOU THROUGH LIFE.


I always gave as many real-life examples as possible and asked people at my meetings to tell their own stories that supported my words.


And there have always been such stories.


This is where we will stop today.


Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you,

Anonymous ID: ae3903 Sept. 10, 2023, 3:01 a.m. No.19523089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3094

At this time so much is happening you can be forgiven for being confused as no definite outcome seems indicated, in fact matters seem to be getting worse. The changes continue unabated and not all are necessarily to your liking.


But in the long term it will be seen that all serve a purpose and collectively will open up a path to a new era. One that will quickly surpass anything of the past and ease you into advancements that you can only dream of now.


The question immediately arises as to what can Humanity expect and the answer is virtually anything they can think of that lifts up their standard of life. Free energy would solve so many problems that exist now, removing the burden of cost that is sometimes impossible to meet.


It could also completely uplift the quality of life by removing the poverty being currently being experienced by so many people. It is rampant in the poorer countries where there is little relief from it. The inequality that exists seems to be of little concern yet it is staring the rich and powerful ones in the face.


Clearly great adjustments are necessary if the poorest people are to be given a better standard of living and care. It will come because it has to as the higher vibrations commence to lift the people up for a better quality of life.


Those who cannot rise up with it have a separate path to follow that will continue to allow their evolution. No soul will be left out and all will eventually find themselves in the exact place where they should be. The point of all of this is that you are all destined to evolve; therefore you need to be at a level that allows you to continue your growth.


Helping others to evolve is a natural thing and often done by those who have already ascended as they understand that “All is One,” held together by invisible threads. Helping others is a noble cause that helps them to serve others as they have been already. It is commonplace as you pass through the higher realms. One day soon many of you will ascend and you will have earned it as all do, because there is no short cut or a back entrance to it.


Once you get the feel of how things really work, the path you need to tread becomes much clearer. Also looking back you are almost certain to realise the way help is given all along the path of life.


You are always able to get help when you need it but must let those involved show you the direction to go in, as they will understand what your chosen path is and help ensure it is followed. As the truth begins to sink in you will understand so much more about the spiritual side of life, and realise how important it is to your advancement.


Any experience you have that is of significance is pre-arranged to give you the opportunity to evolve along a path that allows the experiences you need. It may not always be the case but all experiences that are of value to you are carefully thought out to give the maximum benefits.


Not all of them are necessarily welcome situations depending on what lessons you need, so take all in your stride and do your best in response. Take them seriously as they are for your benefit and need not be experienced again if you do so.


If you are responding to the demands upon you and in a positive manner you can ask no more of yourself. You will know when you are on the right path as life becomes easier and you go with the flow quite easily.


Where other souls are involved in your life they too will be given opportunities to evolve, in which you will take part. It is too complicated to explain such matters in detail, but be assured your Guides are present with a watchful eye and will not overrule your freewill choice.


When you sometimes do things that seem out of character, it is most likely that your Guides have influenced you to do it; they have such powers that enable them to “help you” experience according to your needs.


Be assured that you have your private moments where they do not intrude. The whole set-up is so involved it is sometimes difficult to explain it, but the important issues that include you will normally be made clear to you

Anonymous ID: ae3903 Sept. 10, 2023, 3:05 a.m. No.19523094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3095 >>3104


continued….(is this part of the reason for all the shills, see 3rd paragraph below)


A sudden thought comes into your head and it is message received.


Obviously many of you converse with your Guides when you go out of the body at night but few have a waking memory of them. As time passes you most likely feel their presence at times during your waking hours when they come close to you.


Some of you who are more sensitive know when they are around you and that is surely a comforting feeling. They keep you out of danger should you be assailed in any way, and there is no limit to their powers to protect you if you are in danger. However, as you must know by now, some experiences are unpleasant and are necessary if they have resulted from karma.


In general terms you are of the group that are ready to ascend, but, until you do, you still mix with all types of souls of a low vibration who can be very testing to say the least. Some will bait you for an argument when they find out you are on a spiritual path, so you must be prepared for such an encounter and not be taken off your guard.

Anonymous ID: ae3903 Sept. 10, 2023, 3:06 a.m. No.19523095   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Some will bait you for an argument when they find out you are on a spiritual path, so you must be prepared for such an encounter and not be taken off your guard.


Doesn't that seem familiar here?

Anonymous ID: ae3903 Sept. 10, 2023, 4:24 a.m. No.19523199   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The constant false flags.


The constant drum beat for weapon bans is not by chance. They have orders from the tippy top that you will have no weapons to fight them if you were to EVER WAKE UP AND REALIZE TO WHO / WHAT HAS ENSLAVED YOU.


They will never stop and in fact it will get worse as their political puppets are under tremendous pressure to obey them and take the weapons.


They are clever and will think of a way as to have people turn them in free willingly most likely.

Anonymous ID: ae3903 Sept. 10, 2023, 4:31 a.m. No.19523211   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> I didn't give the name, SHILLS did.

They wanted to name you. then call for bans on "famefags".

They know how powerful blessings and prayers are,

They want that daily blessing gone.

Anonymous ID: ae3903 Sept. 10, 2023, 4:51 a.m. No.19523252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3259


>I know from being and working with you in the past how wonderful all of you are, you just forgot and it's okay. You will wake up soon and we all will meet together as a big family and we will start creating again wonderful things together. You won't need to worry anymore about money, bills and etc, it will be a beautiful and a wonderful world, so please trust me and trust yourself, because we are all one, there is no separation, no beginning and no end. You live forever, you just change the form, but that's going to change too. You will be able to live as long as you want and change the form, when you want to change and not be force out of it.


>I am really happy to be here today, I was a little concerned on how I will come through this channel, because of my power and my high energy, but I see it's okay, the channel is fine, so this means that I will be back again and I am hoping the next time the message will be filled with more joyful news. All of this chaos, misunderstandings, fears and everything else that is going on, will pass. I am looking forward for amazing, beautiful and happy times for the light beings on Mother Gaia. I am sending you all my love and support from Ascended Masters, Galactic Federation, Counselors and everyone else who are participating in this amazing first time ever Ascension Process.


>I am Prime Creator

Anonymous ID: ae3903 Sept. 10, 2023, 5:06 a.m. No.19523295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3308



Channeled messages by via Erena Velazquez

A means as to not violate free will

You can chose to believe or not believe.

Anonymous ID: ae3903 Sept. 10, 2023, 5:09 a.m. No.19523307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3316

Mongol Empire????


Mongol Empire under the name of Cabal or Controllers has been ruling and controlling every aspect of your lives on this planet. You became passive and followed the orders from the top. The ones, who resisted and didn’t obey them, they lost their physical vessels. The Collective Consciousness stayed in low frequencies for very long time, it’s only now on the rise. Finally, humankind started to say, we had enough of this nonsense.

Anonymous ID: ae3903 Sept. 10, 2023, 5:12 a.m. No.19523318   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The channeler is from Brazil or somewhere, she uploads her channeled messages to that site and elsewhere. Dig on it if interested. I am just passing it on as I thought it was interesting and Q / plan related frankly.