TYB, message follows.
3 USN E-6Bs are up at this time. REMIT55, POINT46, and SEPAL55.
>3 USN E-6Bs are up at this time. REMIT55, POINT46, and SEPAL55.
And out here mixing it up with the USN E-6Bs we have a Royal Air Force Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint ZZ666. Call sign SAME01.
Incognito B1-B out of Dyess AFB also. Hex ID AE6BE7 returns as B1 with unknown serial number. Flight profile matches typical B-1 training flight over west Texas with side trip to Colorado.
There should be a law against intentionally trying to distract an on duty lifeguard.
Call sign TEAL74. U.S. Air Force WC-130J Hurricane Hunter 97-5306