Thank you Baker.
Thank you Baker.
why doesn't Q just have a Fox reporter ask "the ultimate question" ?
I'm not very smart, but even I could figure a way around the msm cunts.
Something about this game isn't adding up.
>they might be fired
I'd bet they would be taken care of.
Reporters have relationships with politicians, and vise versa.
Surely POTUS has a Fox reporter who carries his water. Get that Fox reporter to ask "the ultimate question".
Is that really so hard?
This shit is getting too far fetched to be believable anymore.
All the tough talk by Gowdy and his pals, and they delay the vote …. again.
Crooked Rosencunt must be laughing in his leftard wife's pussy all night tonight.
What a fucking joke the repugs in congress are.
>Post 918 "wait until you learn who has been talking to you here"
Comeon, anon.
This Q post was left early in this project and was meant only to arouse curiosity in order to gain a following.
95%+ of what is posted by q is disinformation/misinformation.
Use your brain.
Q is nobody we would know, famous/infamous
>i like him [Macron] and trudeau
You are a fucking idiot who doesn't deserve to breath air.
>Fox is very compromised.
OK. Are you telling me there isn't ONE reporter from anywhere that someone close to POTUS can get to ask "the ultimate question"?
This is a fucking joke.