Both Freud and Jung were geniuses who helped give us new ways of thinking. Jung is easier reading and more "humane."
Oh, Marine Bob is a man of honor! He took an oath! He had nothing do with destroying our economy from 2001-2010 as FBI Director under Bushbama. He's a good man. Just ask Trey Gowdy or Lindsey Graham!
Ancient comparative religion and esoterica were intellectually popular at the time and they drew on that, but they definitely brought thinking forward with discussions about the ego and the subconscience. Jung is easier to read. Jung on synchronicities is very brief on wikipedia. Off-Q though.
He said shoot the messenger?
Bud definitely suppresses dreaming, everybody says so.
It saddens me to see these kids so young and so lost. N Cruz too. People arent trash.
The bathroom scene with Sydney P with all the M towels is scrubbed cant find it anymore.
He's been reading the bread for 4 months.
He's slow on the uptake.
He's just about ready to ask about flat earth now.
Set clear intentions on the full moon.
Oh yeah. Imo, masonry is just a bogus, dark version of the ancient mysteries. It's dark and serves death. Jung is much more enlightened. Manly Hall "enlightened" masonry at around that time, but he never went through the rites, he was honorary. I dont know if Freud or Jung were masons, but it does seem like something Jung might have written about more than Freud. Freud is more heavily into clinical studies, what patients say and do.
Maybe if we put liddle Jimmy in a boat, he can go check it out himself.
OP needs to brush up on the New Testament part of The Bible.
I wonder how many other Civil War Generals were in lodges? I bet many. How about current military?
Now THIS sounds like a plan.
Have Sarah bring Pepe to a presser.
"You have to be born in the United States to be President." ~ DJT 2012