The other account @judgeRoymoylanfrnd IS THE THERAPIST! The two accounts were created as therapy tool. Why else the "Fuck you, leave me alone". We don't know his "im"s
The other account @judgeRoymoylanfrnd IS THE THERAPIST! The two accounts were created as therapy tool. Why else the "Fuck you, leave me alone". We don't know his "im"s
If therapist has bad intentions as Q hinted, its quite possible he/she role-played the people he was setup to kill. Hartley and Moylan were his targets. If he was MKULTRA'd into killing, its possible the therapist was using the moylan account to trigger/incite Ramos knowing he still used the role play account from his therapy. The therapist was still in his head and had to only feed him a few things via im to set him off.