Even better…
DID YOU KNOW….America was on the brink of eradicating Freemasons right before everyone got all upset over SLAVERY and we had our very own CIVIL WAR?? Freemason faggots were conveniently forgotten after that!
Even better…
DID YOU KNOW….America was on the brink of eradicating Freemasons right before everyone got all upset over SLAVERY and we had our very own CIVIL WAR?? Freemason faggots were conveniently forgotten after that!
Brock bots are actually worse.
They always, always project what they're doing. Rules for Radicals. Blame the opponent for what you're doing. Unfortunately for them, they are stooges when it comes to the ART OF WAR.
Yes, and who was that famous, sadistic, High Priest of satanism, Confederate General Freemason again??
Cuz Masons are all lawyers and the DOJ is a fuckin swamp.
He was the top of the top.
Ugly ass Santa. Current temperature 666,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
WE are responsible for waking people from the DEEP DREAM.
Faggot ass. He needs to STFU. Him and Jones and Corsi. Because we KNOW those assholes will all pretend like they knew but had to lie for some reason.