The references to Free Masonry and the relevance to current events, including but not limited to the shooting, are not a new strategy. The French Revolutionary War was secretly fueled by the same groups. Conspiracy theories started to become reality. Soon people began to over throw their government. Civil war broke out. Leaders were executed by guillotines. Quietly this group pretended to disband letting Adam Weishapt take the fall while the others broke into splinter groups infiltrating other similar organizations. We are living proof this strategy still works. You have a corrupt enough government, expose them, and make the people fight. All things will be revealed. It is getting closer every day.
Right, exactly. The America Corporation. The Illuninati has been made into a myth, or something that Hollywood or rappers flash signs to, and no more. Furthest thing from the truth. This is the plan. Our "founding fathers" were all part of this, be it Free Masons or Rosicrutians. The real question should be, what comes after this? Will we be set free or forced to continue to play the game until "The End?" Spoiler alert, God still wins!
Another prime example of revolutionary war being a tool for their survival
And let's not forget Crowley