Will the FBI arrest him for this?
Looks she is going to have twins.
Govt funded Climate Scientists "forgot" to include CLOUDS in their Climate Models.
Garbage in equals garbage out.
Works for me!
Who is the psyop girl? Is she hot?
The latest is that we are 1.5 years out from something happening.
Trey Gowdy was a loud cunt but only ever wrote strongly worded letters, fit for the garbage can.
KEK - never hit a women, unless they have pronouns or a dick.
Gain of Fauci looking extra stupid here.
Real life just doing it's thing.
Corruption takes about 80% of the budget - so somehow they are going to have to find the savings in the remaining 20% - maybe things like Sewer service, drinking water etc.
Other states should not accept fleers unless they pass a comprehensive common sense exam and denounce Liberal Marxism.
Expert demonstrates efficacy of double masks in cold weather
Somebody tell this stupid fraud to watch this videoโฆ asshole me once, shame on you, asshole me twice, shame on me.
All that yapping and not once did she go and talk to the "robot" to confirm her hypothesis.
I don't see the pleasure in thisโฆ is this snuff?
Soros must be so proud of his little faggot boy - almost half the man Trudeau is.
Someone does not understand how to use deinterlacing here. WTF.
Looking at his finger nails - I don't think he washes his hands after having a dump.
Can we get some recognition too please.
Latest estimates put the HABBENING at ONE and HALF years nowโฆ this is a 6 year plan.
Must be testing the new Child Trafficking feature.
These robots look less useful then welfare bums.
Vancouver Airport.
If they find out Oprah is behind the fires - they will burn her place down in retaliation. Risky business.