Don Jr is asked
>who is Q
wasn't he the one in charge of making up cover stories? Like the fuddy crash story and also the lies to cover up fuddy was same person as obama's "mother", Stanley Ann Dunham?
The most retarded one is here.
Billions of people in the world but
horrible photographer. Doesn't even know how to capture shit.
the little man has a problem with women, kek
novice, sloppy, degenerate, cowards
There's only a handful of Anons left and [they're] still sweatin us. If they were winning, they wouldn't even bother with us and they'd be out there happy and enjoying their wonderful lives.
you retard, we see this kind of shit every day at the grocery store. There's dismembered bodies (neatly packaged) all over the fucking place- some say beef some say chicken, etc.
are they going to eat that or just waste it? wtf, faggot.
oh dayum. I forgot. The grand dames are in charge of the beta sex kitten programs.
snuff usually victim raped to death while filmed
not sure what u mean, being that the greater part of who I am is in 5D and 3d comes after. How do you get through life?
Is the psyop that they send in all the idiots to make us feel smart? Or are we really really really really super ultra mega fukken smart to the max and helping the world maneuver thru master level psywar in order to avoid human extinction?