Anonymous ID: 120f24 Sept. 10, 2023, 11:43 p.m. No.19528710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8714 >>8739 >>8820


This is the one fed faggot that actually manages to piss off the anons. You deserve a raise. Congration. In the mean time, you will once again, be filturd while REAL anons focus on what matters instead of feeding your weird as fuck attention seeking fetish. You are actively hurting the plan and will pay dearly for your treason in due time.


You may carry on with my personal blessing, tranime fed fag.

Anonymous ID: 120f24 Sept. 10, 2023, 11:55 p.m. No.19528746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8752 >>8756 >>8764 >>8777


If you are not tranime baker fag, then we have already established we have no quarrel. I'm stating the obvious to the board that tranime baker is clearly a fed faggot for two reasons.


1). They do nothing except derail the discussion in attempts to seek attention from Anons. It disrupts any attempt to seek the truth.


2). They regularly steal credit and bakes in order to hijack the threads and impose some weird power complex to reinforce [1].


Tranime faggot is not your fren and I refuse to cooperate or negotiate with any fedfaggot actively and obviously baiting anons away from seeking the actual truth.


It is that simple. There is no need for further elaboration. If you are not Tranime Fed Fag, then you and I have no reason to do anything except dig. Clear?

Anonymous ID: 120f24 Sept. 11, 2023, 12:07 a.m. No.19528785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8791 >>8800


Truth be told, anon, I'm not entirely sure. I DO stand by my belief though. Fed purpose is to derail and distract from targets. It's pretty clear Tranime Baker Fedfaggot is exactly that based on this recollection alone.



Oh I see, thank you for proving my point, fed faggot. You may carry on attempting to defend yourself.


Anonymous ID: 120f24 Sept. 11, 2023, 12:18 a.m. No.19528817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8820 >>8836


Hmh. Define Strawman, Fed Fag. Prove to me you're not a narcissistic POS who can handle even the most basic criticism without flying off the handle like an unhinged toddler, and stop responding. This is how you keep pissing anons off; Hubris. You act as if you're important despite being utterly insignificant in the grand scheme.


When this God Complex of yours is remotely questioned or threatened, you respond with literally walls of text in the hopes that you prove some vain point or otherwise piss anon off to the point they can't articulate (definition of psychological projection). This anon has watched you do it a few times in several threads. You are not special and you are not helping anybody.


Quit acting like a spoiled child. It's a disgrace and you should be ashamed. The only reason I entertain the deluded who have expertly fooled themselves through this hubris is because I do it regularly. You used to piss anon off, but now that anon understands you a little more, you do nothing except reinforce anon's beliefs with your responses.


tl;dr Fed Fag Tranime Baker, you mean nothing to me.

>inb4 "sO tHeN wHy Do YoU rEsPoNd?"

That's a good question. PicRel?