never forget
Watch the movie Dark City (1998), if you haven't, anons.
"A man struggles with memories of his past, which include a wife he cannot remember and a nightmarish world no one else ever seems to wake up from."
This film probably inspired the matrix, inception, maybe more.
Draw your own conclusions though.
Just saw it earlier.
I don't believe she came up with the matrix plot anymore than the wachowski 'sisters'
It's a documentary that's the point
This chick Jennifer Connelly totally looks like a Ukrainian Biden relative btw
I'm still a little befuddled by that mk ultra vid I watched from rumble earlier.
Such blatant fuckery, much wow.
They deleted the benis pic again
And here I thought this was a free speech website
stfu fed
>I swear some of the anons here are literally retarded newfags.
I refuse to believe that
Say it's the larp shills
Tell me it's a psyop
At least he says interesting fedboy stuff that makes ya think sometimes.
Have you ever tried that before?
>what happens if my wife finds my folder of archived tranny dick pix?
>how do I explain that it's research?
This lore is fuckin my head up.
I think we're here in the flesh for a reason and that flesh cannot survive a transit on a rapid trajectory into what we call space.
I also belive cloning is a highly overrated psyop,
it's all probably just grooming with extra steps.
/pol/fags, wya?
We need to ID this base
and that billboard