Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 12:05 p.m. No.19531171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1554 >>1701 >>1778

“We Did It In a Small Town!” – Anti-Trump Communist Scumbags in Chicago Suburb Unlawfully Assemble and Burn American Flags Outside Jason Aldean Concert While Police Watch


Tinley Park, Illinois – This is yet another reminder that the greatest enemies to America lie from within.


The Chicago Tribune reported, a group of roughly 20 Communist revolutionaries were caught on camera setting fire to American flags in Tinley Park, a Windy City suburb, Saturday night. The incident occurred outside of Credit Union 1 Amphitheatre in Tinley Park, where country music star Jason Aldean was holding a concert.


The agitators belong to Revolution Club Chicago, a radical leftist group that calls for the overthrow of capitalism. The Tribune notes some of these scumbags were not from the area.


As the Tribune notes, approximately a dozen police officers surrounded the group as Leo Pargo, one of Marxist group’s leaders, struck a lighter and set a flag on fire.


During the burning of the flag, protesters can be heard chanting “No Trump, No KKK, no fascist USA!”


A policeman over the loudspeaker can be heard declaring the protest “an unlawful assembly” for “disturbing the public peace.” He warns the communists if they do not leave, they will be arrested. Moreover, he says police could use tactics involving chemicals (presumably tear gas) to forcibly disperse the crowd.


The officer has to repeat his warning before the crowd finally leaves the scene marches down a street. The flags, by now, have been completely burned to a crisp.


While marching, the Marxist loons can be heard boasting about their sick actions and taunting Aldean in the process.


We did it in a small town! We did it in a small town!


1, 2, 3, 4, slavery, genocide, and war! 5, 6, 7, 8, America was never great!’


One Marxist agitator, Rafael Kadaris, taunted the country music star during an interview with the Chicago Tribune. He flew all the way from Berkeley, California just to spit in America’s face and participate in the burning of Old Glory.


Guess what Jason (Aldean)? We will try that in a small town. We will try that in a big city. And we will try it right in front of your concert.


Pargo told the paper they were simply exercising their First Amendment rights and astoundingly claimed Americans have been brainwashed against communism.


The people in the United States have been lied to about communism. This protest welcomes people who may not agree with all of Revolution Club Chicago’s tenets.


The Gateway Pundit previously reported Aldean, released a new video to accompany his single “Try That in a Small Town.”


The lyrics, and the images in the video, reflect the frustration and disgust at what leftists are doing to our country. The video thrilled conservatives from across the country and drove the left insane as it soared to number one on iTunes.

Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 12:07 p.m. No.19531190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1554 >>1701 >>1778

FBI and IRS Launch Coordinated Raid on Duval Teachers Union Office in Jacksonville, Florida – Authorities Tight-Lipped on Ongoing Investigation


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) conducted a joint raid at the Duval Teachers United building on Atlantic Boulevard in Jacksonville’s San Marco community.


Federal agents arrived Wednesday morning and continued their activities until late afternoon, seizing numerous boxes of business materials, computer equipment, and paperwork.


According to reports from The Florida Times-Union, a box of evidence clearly labeled “DTU Credit Card Statements” was among the materials collected.


The Florida Times-Union has learned that the investigation possibly involves misappropriation of funds. Regional FBI spokeswoman Amanda Videll confirmed that a “court-authorized search warrant” was executed but declined to release any further information, stating, “Because the investigation is ongoing, details about the search are not being released at this time.”


“I’m baffled by it, I was astonished,” said one anonymous DTU member. ″I was shocked because they usually represent us really well, we don’t know. We will find out.”


Despite the shock, the Duval Teachers United organization affirmed its commitment to its mission and cooperation with authorities in an official statement per News4JAX.


In a statement, DTU said, “We continue to be focused on upholding our mission of supporting our members and the students we serve. We are fully cooperating with authorities and anticipate a full and thorough assessment of the facts.”


The federal authorities have not revealed the nature of their investigation or who they accuse of criminal activity. As the investigation continues, the demand for transparency and accountability from the union grows, both from its members and the public at large.


Republican Rep. Dean Black called on the union to “come clean” in the aftermath of the raid. He urged that a complete accounting of union funds be made public, as well as details of the ongoing investigation, Florida Politics reported.


“Like all Duval County residents, I was horrified to see that the FBI raided the office of the Duval County Teachers Union. According to media reports, the FBI, in conjunction with the IRS, has an ongoing investigation involving alleged ‘misappropriation of union funds,’” said Black.

Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 12:10 p.m. No.19531201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1554 >>1701 >>1778

Former Zelensky Administration Officials Speak To NATIONAL FILE: Zelensky Accused of Money Laundering, Stealing American Money, Persecuting Opponents, Cocaine Use, Selling His Weapons, Taking Russian Money, And More


Will Anyone Stop This Demonic War?


Former National Bank of Ukraine chairman Kyrylo Shevchenko conducted an exclusive interview with NATIONAL FILE to assert his innocence in Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky’s criminal case against him. Shevchenko fled Ukraine and resettled in Austria after he says that Zelensky tried to imprison him on a false embezzlement charge for trying to stop Zelensky’s corruption. Shevchenko now fears for his life as a result of his opposition to Zelensky.

A different former Zelensky administration official conducted an interview with NATIONAL FILE in which the ex-official accuses former boss Zelensky of rampant corruption and theft from American taxpayers. According to the former Zelensky administration official: Zelensky is a heavy cocaine user who launders money and uses the war with Russia to cover up his money laundering, Zelensky steals American money intended for the Ukrainian people and puts it into his own “personal accounts,” Zelensky suppresses free speech in Ukraine and jails and kills dissidents, Zelensky’s regime destroys or sells its own weapons funded by the West, and Zelensky accepted money from Russia during the war while surrounding himself with insiders who have tight relationships with Vladimir Putin’s Russia. While Zelensky and his cronies get rich fighting a war that they are evidently not trying to actually win, Vladimir Putin and his ally China gleefully watch the United States of America further bankrupt itself by plunging many billions of taxpayer dollars into a potential World War 3. Vladimir Putin did not actually want President Donald Trump to win the presidency, contrary to the false narrative of “Russia-Gate.” To the contrary, Putin wanted a weak globalist corrupt Democrat such as Joe Biden to blunder America into an unwinnable war against Russia, allowing Putin to play the long game and win in the end.

California Republican U.S. Senate candidate James Bradley reviewed information from multiple former Zelensky administration officials and Bradley plans to use these revelations in his campaign if he is pitted in the general election against Democrat Adam Schiff. Schiff is a bellicose supporter of Zelensky and Ukraine. James Bradley told NATIONAL FILE: “During the Biden Administration’s blunder of leaving U.S. citizens behind in Afghanistan, I received several calls from my Ukrainian community to assist in helping save their family and friends like my team did in Afghanistan. From the beginning of the current “conflict” between Putin and Zelensky, something seemed off with the mainstream media narrative. Fast forward to today with the billions of our tax dollars being sent to Zelensky. I worked to help many people who were caught in this proxy war. The information they shared is what will be discussed in this article along with the articles to follow on NATIONAL FILE.”

Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 12:15 p.m. No.19531224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1258

RFK Jr. Names The Three Major Corporations He Thinks Control The World And How They're Screwing Us


While chatting with comedian-savant Tim Dillon, RFK Jr. doubled down on his analysis of BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard, whose leadership have made it almost impossible for young Americans to buy homes.

Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 12:23 p.m. No.19531282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1701 >>1778

JUST IN: Video re-emerges from 9/11/2001 of firefighters warning locals THERE IS A BOMB IN THE BUILDING and to vacate the area..




9/11 firefighters talking about bombs going off in the buildings

Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.19531289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1701 >>1778

NATO Begins War Games in Baltic Sea, Simulate Attack on Russia


The military drills will be some of the largest ever held in the Baltic Sea


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has launched major war games taking place off the coasts of Latvia and Estonia. A Western official said the drills are intended to be a clear message to Russia.


The war games – dubbed Northern Coasts – began on Saturday and will run for two weeks. Germany is leading the drills and 13 other nations will participate, including the US and non-NATO member Sweden. Over 3,000 troops and 30 warships are involved in the exercises.


German Navy chief Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack told Reuters the war games are a show of force to Russia. “We are sending a clear message of vigilance to Russia: Not on our watch,” he said. “Credible deterrence must include the ability to attack.” Acting NATO Spokesperson Dylan White added, “Exercises like these send a clear message that NATO stands ready to defend every inch of Allied territory.”


According to a NATO press release, the war games are designed to simulate, “amphibious operations, air defense, strikes from sea to land, and securing sea lanes.” NATO has held the Northern Coasts drills annually since 2007.


Last summer, NATO held the BALTOPS 22 war games in the Baltic Sea. Seymour Hersh reported that the White House used those drills as cover to plant explosives on the Nord Stream pipelines.

Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 12:36 p.m. No.19531339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1701 >>1778

Biden Says He Does Not Want To ‘Contain’ China


President Joe Biden said on Sunday he does not want to isolate China as he works to shore up ties between the United States and other countries.


The commander in chief made the assertion during a press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, after participating in a G-20 summit in India that Chinese President Xi Jinping did not attend.


“So, really, what this trip was about — it was less about containing China. I don’t want to contain China,” Biden said. “I just want to make sure that we have a relationship with China that is on the up and up, squared away, everybody knows what it’s all about.”


Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, criticized Biden during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.”


“The whole point of him going to the region, in my view, was to get our friends and allies and partners together in the event of an invasion of Taiwan and a greater invasion into the South Pacific Sea,” McCaul said, adding that Biden chose the “wrong message to send” because it was not one of “deterrence.”


Ahead of Biden’s visit to Vietnam, Beijing expressed disapproval of the U.S. approach to dealing with China’s neighbors.


“We believe that when dealing with relations with Asian countries, the #US should abandon the Cold War mentality of a zero-sum game, abide by basic norms of international relations, not target third parties and not undermine regional peace, stability, development and prosperity,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning, as reported in a post to X by China’s Global Times.


During his press conference, Biden stressed, “I think we think too much in terms of Cold War terms.”


The president said he spoke about “stability” with Xi’s No. 2 Chinese Premier Li Qiang at the G-20 summit and their conversation “wasn’t confrontational at all.” Biden also said he hopes to meet with Xi “sooner than later.”

Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 12:40 p.m. No.19531361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1385 >>1701 >>1778

Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles


During an appearance on ABC’s This Week with Jonathan Karl, Secretary of State Tony Blinken explicitly said that the US would not oppose Ukraine using US-supplied longer-range missiles to attack deep inside Russian territory, a move that Moscow has previously called a “red line” which would make the United States a direct party to the conflict.


“We understand that the United States is considering sending those long-range missiles that Ukraine has been asking for for a long time,” Karl said in the interview. “These are long-range missiles, 200 miles in range. Are you okay if those missiles allow Ukraine to attack deep into Russian territory?”


“In terms of their targeting decisions, it’s their decision, not ours,” answered Blinken after some bloviation.


“We’ve seen an increasing number of attacks on Russian territory by Ukrainian drones, some in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don just a couple of days ago. Did you bring that up?” asked Karl.


“No,” said Blinken.


“Are you — are you okay with — I mean, obviously, they’re — it’s their decisions, but is this war now escalating into Russia?” asked Karl.


“ Jon, we haven’t encouraged and we haven’t enabled any use of weapons outside of Ukraine’s territory,” Blinken said. “Having said that, let’s take a step back for a second. Virtually every single day the Russians are attacking indiscriminately throughout the entire country of Ukraine. Just during the 48 hours that I was there going in, more missiles were launched at civilian targets, including in Kyiv while I was there; a horrific attack on a marketplace, people just going to buy food, civilians, had nothing to do with this war — killed 17 people. This is the daily life for Ukrainians. This is what they face every single day. So they have to make the basic decisions about how they’re going to defend their territory and how they’re working to take back what’s been seized from them. Our role, the role of dozens of other countries around the world that are supporting them, is to help them do that. And ultimately, what we all want is an end to this Russian aggression and an end to the aggression that, again, is just and is durable. That’s what Ukrainians want more than anyone else. That’s what we’re working toward.”

Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 12:46 p.m. No.19531399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1701 >>1778

Meta deletes Al Jazeera presenter’s profile after show criticising Israel


Tip of the Iceberg episode investigated how Facebook targets Palestinian content related to Israel.


Al Jazeera Arabic presenter Tamer Almisshal has had his Facebook profile deleted by Meta 24 hours after the programme Tip of the Iceberg aired an investigation into Meta’s censorship of Palestinian content titled The Locked Space.


The programme’s investigation, which aired on Friday, included admissions by Eric Barbing, former head of Israel’s cybersecurity apparatus, about his organisation’s effort to track Palestinian content according to criteria that included “liking” a photo of a Palestinian killed by Israeli forces.


Then the agency would approach Facebook and argue that the content should be taken down.


According to Barbing, Facebook usually complies with the requests and Israel’s security apparatus follows up cases, including bringing court cases if need be.


The investigation followed up on Barbing’s admissions by interviewing a number of human and digital rights experts who agreed that there was a distinct imbalance in how Palestinian content is restricted.


The programme also interviewed Julie Owono, a member of Facebook’s oversight board, who admitted there is a discrepancy in how rules are interpreted and applied to Palestinian content and added that recommendations had been sent to Facebook to correct this.


Al Jazeera has asked Facebook about why Almisshal’s profile was shut down with no prior warning or explanation. It had not received a response by the time of publication.


‘Targeting a journalist’

Almisshal said the profile that was deleted is his personal page, set up by him in 2006 and verified. He had at least 700,000 followers on it.


“After the huge success of the episode, I discovered that my personal Facebook profile had been deleted with no explanations given,” he told Al Jazeera. “It really does seem like some kind of revenge for the programme. We haven’t received any response from Facebook yet.”


The programme’s team had set out to investigate how wide the gap was between how Palestinian and Israeli posts and material are treated by Facebook.


To do that, it set up an experiment in which it built two different pages, one with a pro-Palestinian perspective and the other a pro-Israeli one, and ran trials on them. The team concluded that there was indeed a big discrepancy in how much scrutiny there is and how rules are applied to posts on either page.

Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 1:24 p.m. No.19531652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1661 >>1673 >>1674 >>1785

DHS has limited ability to accurately track migrants’ post-release addresses: IG report


Office said it arrive at such conclusions based on review of 981,671 migrant records documented by USBP from March 2021 through August 2022


The Department of Homeland Security has limited ability to accurately and effectively track the addresses of migrants after they cross U.S. borders and are released into the country, according on a federal watchdog report released Monday.


"U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) cannot always obtain and does not always record migrant addresses, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) does not always validate migrant addresses prior to migrant release into the United States," DHS's Inspector General's Office said in the report, released on the 22nd anniversary of the 9-11 terror attacks.


The office said it arrive at such conclusions based on a review of 981,671 migrant records documented by USBP from March 2021 through August 2022.


Read The Report:




The watchdog office also found addresses for over 177,000 migrant records were either missing, invalid for delivery or not legitimate residential locations.


"In addition to migrants not providing U.S. release addresses, DHS faced several challenges hindering its ability to record and validate migrant addresses as required," the 35-page report also states.


"USBP did not accurately and effectively capture valid addresses, in part due to the large number of migrants apprehended, as well as its limited coordination with ICE and its limited authority to administer compliance with address requirements. ICE also did not have adequate resources to validate and analyze migrants’ post-release addresses."

Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 1:29 p.m. No.19531677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1701 >>1785

Blind eye? Feds received waves of warnings about Hunter Biden but delivered no consequences


Timeline shows allegations began flowing in since 2015. “The cover-up continues to grow,” Rep. James Comer says.


From 2015 until present, several federal agencies were alerted to suspicious activity and potential criminal activities by Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. Each time, the allegations did not result in any consequences for the first son.


The pattern – over eight years and three separate presidential administrations – has some in Congress now seeing a protection racket.


“Every time some agency whether it be the IRS, whether it be the FBI whomever started to investigate. I don't know if it's for fear of embarrassing Joe Biden or for fear that it would eventually lead to Joe Biden. But for whatever reason, some deep state actor steps in and says, ‘Stand down, call it off,’” House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer told Just the News last week.


“Well, there's two things we're investigating; the Biden crime, and the Biden crime cover-up. And the cover-up continues to grow and expand,” he added during an interview with the Just the News, No Noise television show. “..This cover-up has been going on for a long time.”


Here is a summary of the dates, players and agencies in that timeline:


May 2015: Morgan Stanley bankers flag transactions, reports concerns to regulators


Just the News revealed last week that two whistleblowers from Morgan Stanley flagged suspicious transactions involving Devon Archer and Rosemont Seneca—of which Hunter Biden was a partner—and brought their concerns to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Their presentation included photos and a dossier on Hunter Biden.


The internal report and subsequent report to the SEC is one of the earliest official warnings inside the banking industry and U.S. government


Morgan Stanley crafted a bank compliance presentation in the spring of 2015 after becoming aware of the suspicious activities surrounding Rosemont Seneca. Morgan Stanley sought to flag suspicious activity in a scheme that involved fraudulent Native American tribal bonds. The transaction structure described by Morgan Stanley contained numerous entities and individuals with ties to Hunter Biden, including Devon Archer, Rosemont Seneca, and Burnham Financial Group.


The presentation said the structure created by these individuals and groups “offered no clear economics, or purpose.” Additionally, “Due diligence on involved parties reveals less than clean records,” the presentation added.


You can view the presentation here.


[ MorganStanleyWBFile.pdf]


The presentation addressed elements of Hunter Biden’s background, some of which was a cause for concern, including his expulsion from the Navy for drug use, his work with Devon Archer on the board of Burisma, and a past lawsuit from 2008 in which Hunter Biden and his uncle James Biden were accused of defrauding a former business partner.

Anonymous ID: 335923 Sept. 11, 2023, 1:40 p.m. No.19531743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1785

The Legitimization of Child Abuse


It is extraordinary how concern with child abuse has altered over the past 25-40 years. In culling my overgrown library, I came across documents and articles about the frame-up of the Amirault family in the Fells Acre day care case during the 1980s and the Wenatchee, Washington child abuse in the 1990s witch hunt that I played a role in exposing.


The creation of Child Protective Services at the insistent of “child advocates” created a new government bureaucracy with little to do. “Child advocates” fantasized that children were routinely raped by their parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, Sunday school teachers, and child care providers. With the new bureaucracy in place, perpetrators of child abuse had to be found in order to justify the agency and its budget.


In Wenatchee seeing opportunity a corrupt police detective, Robert Perez, pressured his 13-year old daughter to bring rape accusations. She later recanted, but not before many parents and the local pastor, Robert Roberson and his wife, were accused of organized rape of children. Children were taken from their homes and put into fraudulent “recovered memory therapy” used to convince them that they had been raped.


The corrupt Child Protection Services agency and prosecutor could not make the false charges stick against Pastor Robertson and his wife, but large numbers of parents who were poor were convicted, sent to prison and their children taken into custody.


Pastor Robertson or his attorney or someone contacted me, and I investigated the story. I wrote about it extensively, and the Wall Street Journal and even the Reader’s Digest joined in. The fraudulent convictions were exposed, and courts freed all those imprisoned. I was interested to see that in Wikipedia’s account my role in exposing the false convictions is not mentioned. They have many ways to disappear you.


I provide this brief history to remind that children were so overprotected by authorities as to result in many wrongful convictions of innocent adults.


Now look at what child abuse consists of today. Parents who object to their children being brainwashed and indoctrinated in public schools into thinking they are in the wrong physical body and parents who object to the chemical castration of their sons, to having their daughters breasts removed, to having their children injected with substances to suppress their natural sexual development are said to be child abusers and have their children taken away from them. To be clear, child abuse is now institutionalized by authorities who commit child abuse, and parents are unable to protect their children from the abuse.