Trust but verify seems to be failing the verification test thus far. Maybe that other MAGA that can’t be discussed here is actually at play. Snake poem and all…
>Adopted kids selling you out every day
I don’t follow these kids. What are they doing to call them out besides leaving coke laced credit cards for photo ops?
Think mirror?
Questioning the narrative around here is dangerous, my man.
Do the covid protocols work against the graphene?
Thanks for links, anon!
I’ve asked many times for links to khazarian mafia info. Never a response. I specificslly would like to hear from the anon who was posting about Donald Tober’s links to khazarian mafia back in 2021 when he suicided himself. But could never get any further info.
EBS incoming.
Gracias. Are you familiar with lookoutfacharlie. He’s gone deep down the rabbit hole of sonic surveillance. His theories are not typical of the normal v2k folks out there. He focuses on ELF frequencies and this control system that can basically piggy back on any sort of electronics. He’s well researched and seems to be anon if you dig into his channel.
What are you on about?
WTF does my post have to do with the baker being a dumb ass?
It’s good shit. Channel is worth digging through.