> President Joe Biden Bows to Iran on 9/11: Pays $6 Billion for Five Prisoners
This is why working Americans cannot have nice things, while the politicians live in million dollar homes living the elite life.
>Briben Comforts 9/11 Victims By Telling About The Time He Was Playing Jenga And His Tower Fell Down
You think, if I just work a little harder, a little longer, get a part time job, maybe I can get myself out of this financial mess.
Maybe the politicians will fix some of it.
The politicians are in on the scam for their masters.
That's why theY want to kill off the over-40 population.
Because by the mid-40s most of working Americans have figured out there is no way out.
TheY need a young, dumb-downed population, like illegals, to make their scam continue.
Justg saying.