Anon detests when this divisionfag bakes.
>it's great when anni bakes
I guess each is entitled to their own opinion though I vehemently disagree.
Tranime is a divisive divisionfag who revels in being divisive which, in anon's humble opinion, is not good for the board.
Yeah, but that was only to prove he wasn't a great leaping faggot.
>unless they threaten bodily harm
You consider saying I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck (in Minecraft, obviously) an actual real threat of bodily harm?
Is someone saying I'm gonna chop off my dick and become a real woman a threat of bodily harm?
same here
Peperidge farm members when it didn't ain't use to be that way.
>that is a screencap from you fucking idiot.
What the fuck are you talking about you cock sucking faggot?
What is a screencap from
I made no reference to it and honestly am mystified
Methinks you are confusing me for another.
It's not hard, moran, just copypaste the uid into the search box..
I may be a nigger, but at least I don't wear women's clothes and post pics of my dick while wearing them on an anonymous image board.
It's not mad, it's called disgusted!