Fuck off traitor, this is NIGHT SHIFT
>YOU support NAZIS
Negative but I support my brothers & sisters that bleed green.
It was your comment no? "AZOV HAS TAINTED US MILITARY FOREVER~!"
Fucking bread gobbler to boot, pfft
Ahh I see now, a team effort.
Get FUCKED agent ;)
Anon never was afraid of heights. Skied double black diamonds, jumped out of perfectly good airplanes, been in the tallest (at the time) skyscrapers like the Sears Tower. Now though anon get's his equalibream messed up just watching some stuff. Guess it's age, or thinking Idk
>From 1 REEEE comes 1 Million KEKs
I've turned a hefty profit ;)
Devour each one, better than snowflake tears!
kek, point in poast:
kek's in ^^