Anonymous ID: e96a05 Sept. 11, 2023, 7:11 p.m. No.19533632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3635 >>3636


if there is a Eastern Libya floods post, that is very notable. Thousands killed is the new headline.


19533271 (pb)

Anonymous ID: e96a05 Sept. 11, 2023, 7:47 p.m. No.19533818   🗄️.is 🔗kun


thanks for clearing that up.

I still want an apology, however the one who should make it is a bit of a psycho and I expect nothing from him.

carry on.

Anonymous ID: e96a05 Sept. 11, 2023, 7:52 p.m. No.19533840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3846 >>4077


Ukraine is very large and it's got a lot of places where people can hide out.

even if the current government collapses, the Cabal, who has had bases in Ukraine obviously for generations, will just blend back in, pretend to be poor and take welfare, and drain the governement of resources, like they do everywhere to raise the psychopaths that they later put in charge of various criminal activities.

the poor little rich boy who suddenly has a giant trust fund when he turns 18, but lived his whole childhood on full public welfare . . .

that class of people will still be there.

Russia won't be able to root that all out, that game is too well entrenched.

The cabal won't leave Ukraine, they'll just hide their activity, pretend to be peasant class, take charity, continue with their same activities.

be the criminals that they are, like they do where ever they are.

Anonymous ID: e96a05 Sept. 11, 2023, 8:03 p.m. No.19533884   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the headlines now say 'thousands feared dead in many cities in Eastern Libya from dams collapsing'

thousands missing, feared dead. Multiple dams collapsing.

neighborhoods washed into the sea . . .

Anonymous ID: e96a05 Sept. 11, 2023, 8:30 p.m. No.19533997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4023 >>4028



see how unimportant you are, I didn't even bother to verify that it was you.

as if .

anyway I and the other anon have already discussed that fact.

you are a nasty jerk, and the other one at least understand that anon should at least stay civil and not act like they are superior.

do I need to check all your posts now to see who you are (because I have my suspicions.)

I just don't want to play that game tonight.



I see who you are now.

the queen (and I do mean queen) of cringe, the monster baker itself.

I've told you to not hassle me and I didn't want to get in it with you tonight.

everyone here hates it when you post.

you're a mean bitch and the C word is often used to describe you however, you don't really have a C so . . . that's just wrong.

see I can be a bit nasty too and I don't like that because I'm trying to be a forgiving type.

I've prayed about you but my prayers don't seem to work for you.

I guess if you pray for someone to become civil it's really up to them.

so you'd have to actually want to not be a bitch in order for my prayers to work.

and I've forgiven you but that doesn't stop you for provoking me into angry posts that deconstruct your nasty habits here.

and how you never leave any encounter with anyone else feeling as though you've done anything eccumenical or hands-across-the water kind of sharing of a mutual understanding.

you never relent in your horrorshow, and you seem to IP hop and post really bad stuff too.

because that always seems to show up when you're around.

or is it that you're just around too much.

I've tried to reach out to you to get you to end your horror show and treat the anon with respect, but you are a failure in that regard.


anyway don't message back to me. Now that I know it's you, I shall not respond to any further provokation from you.

and your apologies are always phony.

Anonymous ID: e96a05 Sept. 11, 2023, 8:35 p.m. No.19534022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4031


I didn't know it was monster baker.

I didn't want to get in it with that one this evening.

I would love to just give it the silent treatment, it never learns. It has no respect.

I've tried to be nice to it since February when it showed up assuming the identity of the old animefag.

but I don't think it's the same person because this one is a nasty and unrelenting jerk who never every has a sincere thing to say, nor helps, or ever does anything good for anyone else in the bread. It just spews out insults and worse.

Anonymous ID: e96a05 Sept. 11, 2023, 8:37 p.m. No.19534030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4043


I could post when you coached a shill about how to post porn to screw with people who masterbate before bedtime.

or how you said you want everyone here to become gay.

I still have all that. I thought I'd deleted it but it was just in the trash bin, kind of where it belongs.

everything you post belongs in the trash bin.

in the spirit of forgiveness I'm not going to post it.

keep it up and may be I will.

Anonymous ID: e96a05 Sept. 11, 2023, 8:41 p.m. No.19534048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4057


what you do is channel evil intention and that's not correct behavior for anon.

as I said, keep it up and maybe I will post your old posts from February. I have them in a folder titled 'monster baker'.

I remember you begging me not to post it . . .

you're such a troll. and I mean that not that you troll people but you are as discusting as a troll doll, the type that live under a bridge.

see how you draw out the bad stuff from people.

really we could have been great friends.

I used to enjoy AFLB . . .

Anonymous ID: e96a05 Sept. 11, 2023, 8:51 p.m. No.19534079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4100 >>4138 >>4145


like I said AFLB was not a creep like you are.

you showed up in February and you pretend to be someone else, and you were not here before then.


how about when you self doxed by IP hopping and mistakenly posted your japonese name and said it was me for like two breads and posted in the 2 AM bread 'oh, BV, please delete' over and over and over.

and I never saved your name nor did I ever repost it.

and I even asked the BVs to help you to delete your name.

but then you slandered me over and over saying it was me that did it, but it wasn't.

oh, the fun we had . . . (that's meant to be humor, it certianly wasn't fun).

I kept thinking 'if I look out for him and even though he's a jerk I look out for and and hope for his redemption, he'll come arouind, he won't attack me and call me names.

but you just can't stop yourself.

you never learn.

Its best for you that I don't post your screen caps, so I'm not going to do it today.

just leave me alone.


don't post back to me.

stop calling me names.

stop slandering me.

this is for now and in the future.

you need to reform

pretty much everyone else here hates it when you bake.