Anonymous ID: 6d2bea Sept. 11, 2023, 11:46 p.m. No.19534518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4522 >>4548 >>4649 >>4837 >>4930 >>5017

Donald J. Trump



Can you believe that Crooked Joe Biden is giving $6 Billion to the terrorist regime in Iran? That money be used for terrorism all over the Middle East, and, indeed, the World. This incompetent FOOL is absolutely destroying America. He had the audacity to announce this terrible deal today, September 11th. To pay for hostages will lead to kidnapping, ransom, and blackmail against Americans across the globe. I freed many dozens of our people from various unfriendly countries and never paid a dime!


Sep 11, 2023, 7:20 PM



Laundering in the Ukraine isnt easy, due to the power wipe-out, Iran is the only option to keep that criminal enterprise going.

Anonymous ID: 6d2bea Sept. 11, 2023, 11:47 p.m. No.19534521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4524 >>4528 >>4531 >>4535 >>4562

BLUR IMAGES, copy and save js in [options] top righthand corner, then in the [theme] tab


.post-image { opacity: .2; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(5px); / Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 233ms;}.post-image:hover { opacity: 1; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(1px);/ Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 89ms;}


This makes the BV is completely responsible for removing illegal images, no need to report what you cant see.



Anonymous ID: 6d2bea Sept. 11, 2023, 11:58 p.m. No.19534548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4649 >>5017

Donald J. Trump



Because of the Rigged and Stollen 2020 Presidential Election, just look at our Nation, and indeed the World, NOW! It is all a shadow of its former self. Ukraine, Inflation, Bad Economy, Woke Military, No World Standing, No Respect, and today, 6 Billion Dollars for hostages. Where is the call from Republicans for the 25th Amendment?


Sep 11, 2023, 9:43 PM






Laundering in the Ukraine isnt easy, due to the power wipe-out, Iran is the only option to keep that criminal enterprise going.

Anonymous ID: 6d2bea Sept. 12, 2023, 12:14 a.m. No.19534584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4585 >>4715

Go to ConspiracyII



6 yr. ago





An analysis of "1900: The Last President" (Baron Trump Series)

I just want to say that I did not write this. It was created by u/polkadotgirl. If you like this, you should upvote her original post here: If you want me to remove this post, just shoot me a PM.


We recently talked about these books, and she made a great simple write up of it, that I think will generate some good conversations. So let us know what you think in the comments. Here we go…


After reading through the Baron Trump 4chan and conspiracy posts, I realized I wanted to delve into the topic for myself. I didn’t just want to take anybody’s word for it, so I ordered a copy of “1900, Or: The Last President” by Ingersoll Lockwood. To be honest, I ordered this because it was only $5 on Amazon versus “Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey” which was about $25. Anyway, I also felt that this book had an eerie title, and I wanted to see if there was something actually deeper there.


In the foreword, Tarl Warwick writes, “Somewhere along the lines it seems Lockwood went past crafting a short political satire and delved into something deeper. Regardless, the semblance of this work to modernity is uncanny to a frightful degree – if he was indeed not practicing some sort of foresight, he tapped into the same unwittingly” (p.4).


After reading the book, I am completely shocked. The entire time, I honestly kept thinking “this is boring”, and I have to admit the language made it difficult to get through. I stopped at chapter 5 a few weeks ago, and I did not pick it up until today. I honestly believe this book is predictive (or even something more!), but wait until you read the conclusion for it to really hit you! Here is a summary of each chapter. I saved you the trouble of reading it, but if you are not sure, order a copy yourself, and see if I am on the right track.




Chapter 1: Bryan is elected president of the United States, and mobs are breaking out in NYC. On page 7 it states, “The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob.” Interesting, Trump’s hotel is currently located on 5th Avenue. The chapter basically describes a battle between those who support the president “Bryan” and those who do not, and ultimately, the “city” is saved from the protesters (anti-Bryan) but not necessarily the republic.


Chapter 2: The next chapter transitions to Chicago. Bryan won the election by 24 electoral votes, and he is looked at as a savior and even God to many. It appears that the people finally feel that the rich man will fairly pay for his portion of happiness (p. 11).


Chapter 3: This chapter takes place after the election, nearing toward the inauguration day. While there are still many that oppose and fight against Byran, he has the love of the “Common People. They “were so dear to Mr. Byran, and who had made him president in the very face of the prodigious opposition of the rich men, whose coffers had been thrown wide open all to no purpose, and in spite too of the Satanic and truly devilish power of that hell upon earth known as Wall Street (p. 14)". I think the most important thing to take away from this chapter is how the “common man” feels a deep connection to Byran.


Does anybody feel like this sounds exactly like the type of people Trump appeals to (btw it appeals to me).


Chapter 4: At the beginning of Chapter 4, the author notes that there is a strange prophecy that there would be a dawnless day. Well, that prophecy was fulfilled, and on March 4, 1897, the “Dawnless Day” occurred. The President was to announce the selection of his cabinet, and many said that this would ultimately prove that he was a “sell-out”, but apparently their apprehensions were misguided. The president chooses a strong cabinet, and most notably, he chooses Lafe Pence as secretary of agriculture. His inauguration speech, again, is aimed at the common people, and then he gives out executive order one – the immediate abandonment of the “gold reserve” and the gold and silver standard of the Constitution shall be resumed. People’s reactions were of shock, exhaustion, and sheer terror, especially those on Wall Street.


Chapter 5: There are fifty thousand people on the streets of Washington without bread or shelter, and the president establishes camps and reserves rations for these “common people.” On page 20 it states, “the first act…was an act repealing the act of 1873…and opening the mints of the United States to the free coinage of silver at the ratio of sixteen to one, with gold.” This chapter mentions a bill for the admission of New Mexico and Arizona (interesting!), and a division of Texas of east vs. west. The chapter ends with the “long session” of Congress ending.

Anonymous ID: 6d2bea Sept. 12, 2023, 12:14 a.m. No.19534585   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Chapter 6:The beginning of this chapter notes somebody wanting to “move the usual adjournment of the holidays” and people are very upset. They are not willing to take a break – there is much to be done. They say there should be no adjournment until they can “emancipate” the Common People. On Washington’s birthday, the president makes an address on how great the country is doing – a lovely speech. At the end of the chapter, the president says that he hopes his epitaph will read, “Here lies the friend of the Common People.”


Chapter 7: Things start to get out of control, and it states, “There began to be ugly rumors that the government was no able to hold the white metal at a parity with gold.” The Common People started to protest, and new taxes were put on the wealthy. Unfortunately, the government was powerless to stop the decline of the dollar. People began to hate the name of “silver”.


Chapter 8 : In ’99, rioting broke out everywhere, especially in the north, and socialism and anarchism “found willing ears.” – that’s a little unnerving, isn’t it? The South seems to form great power, and they are extremely upset about the tax put on them, especially because the North is much richer. There are cries of treason and the republic is shaken at its foundations. The North then had to start to prepare for a second rebellion. The president was deeply troubled.


Chapter 9: The rebellion had been squandered, but there was a new prophecy that the North, “rich with 100 cites”, would rise against the federal government. There would have be a revolution within a revolution. The North would have to fight or lose its power. (From my understanding, the South seems to be the Common People). The North wanted to separate itself from the union and from its own republic. How long would they have to wait?


Chapter 10: Congress refused to adjourn over the holidays. The entire chapter centers around the final debate between the North and South. At the point the president is pale, and seems to be weak. The Speaker of the House says the president must resign. Then, the president speaks, and it seems almost godly – he has everybody back under his power for a moment! Out of nowhere, the capitol is truck by dynamite and destroyed (what a twist!). The republic was dead, and “it had died so peacefully, that the world could not believe the tidings of its passing away” (p. 43).




“As the dawn broke cold and gray, and its first dim light fell upon that shattered dome glorious even in its ruins, a single human eye (the all-seeing illuminati eye? Wtf?!) filled a gleam of devilish joy, looked up at it long and steadily, and then its owner was caught up and lost in the surging mass of humanity that held the Capitol girt round and round” (p. 43).




I have to admit that reading this was tough and boring, but the conclusion I am gathering from the book is that it is all planned. Perhaps the president has good intentions, and perhaps he does not. Who is to say who is bad in this book? The North or the South? It is interesting that is directly linked to the dichotomy today of the left vs. right.


Ultimately, the republic is destroyed, and the “one eye” (I have goosebumps) is pleased in quite the devilish way! Perhaps there really is a devilish power controlling us all?


Perhaps the lesson from this book is that even if we do all disagree on some major points, we need to unite in some way. They are constantly using this divide and conquer tactic, and it is undoubtedly working. When they divide us enough, they can crush our union, and then they can truly take over.


Trump causes much controversy, and maybe just maybe, he really is looking out for the welfare of the people, just as president Byron seems to be. However, it seems that some more malevolent force has put him into office so that he can ultimately divide the people. Whether or not Byron is really for the common people in this book is hard to say, but it might be so, and I would say the same is true of Trump. Is he really for the common people, or is he part of the ultimate plan? What is for sure is that the division is the most prominent part of this book: The Common people vs. the Wealthy (does this not sound familiar?)


I am going to order the “marvelous adventures” series next, and do an analysis on that if you are interested. Any commentary is welcome. Please remember that I actually saved you some time and read the book, so please do not attack me!! 😊

Anonymous ID: 6d2bea Sept. 12, 2023, 12:30 a.m. No.19534629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4649 >>5017

Roger Stone=



Roger Stone STILL Did Nothing Wrong !



Roger Stone Completely Vindicated By Enrique Tarrio Statement, Highlighting Mainstream Media Lies

Story by Troy Smith •



Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in prison on Wednesday, September 5th for his role in the events of January 6th, 2021. Just after receiving this harsh sentence, Tarrio joined a “Twitter Space” with the media outlet the Gateway Pundit.


During his time speaking with the Gateway Pundit, Tarrio detailed a deal that federal prosecutors attempted to get him to sign in exchange for a reduced sentencing. The agreement hinged on Tarrio stating that three individuals served as contacts between the Trump Administration, and the Proud Boys.


Tarrio stated that Roger Stone was unequivocally not one of the individuals that the Biden Department of Justice attempted to use in their attempts to connect the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers to the former President. Tarrio can be quoted as saying, “Unequivocally it was NOT Roger Stone,” said Tarrio. “I know that is everybody’s first thought because I take pictures with Mr. Roger Stone and all that, but unequivocally it was not him. It was 100 percent not Roger Stone.”


Members of the mainstream media, most notably Ari Melber on MSNBC, have assured us that Roger Stone was serving as a contact point between Trump and the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers on January 6th. Melber has even resorted to airing selectively edited clips that have been falsified with AI technology in order to frame Stone as encouraging violence on January 6th, 2021.


Continue reading

Anonymous ID: 6d2bea Sept. 12, 2023, 12:35 a.m. No.19534642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4649 >>4658 >>4956 >>5017

Kari Lake





Beginning at 10:30 a.m. Arizona time, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will start hearing cases


Our appeal (on the use of electronic tabulators) will be the fourth case heard


I’ll keep you updated as I learn more


You can follow along here:


Streaming Oral Arguments


Sep 12, 2023, 2:54 AM

Anonymous ID: 6d2bea Sept. 12, 2023, 12:44 a.m. No.19534655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4667 >>4939 >>4947 >>4971

Citizen Free Press






More here


Virginia House Democratic candidate Susan Gibson performed sex acts with husband on webcam for ‘tips’




Citizen Free Press






This is Susan Gibson, who is running for a seat in the narrowly divided Virginia statehouse. As recently as last year she was posting as “HotWifeExperience” on the website Chaturbate, where men could pay tokens to get her to perform specific sex acts.


(From JR Majewski via X)

Anonymous ID: 6d2bea Sept. 12, 2023, 1:05 a.m. No.19534705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4708

7 Years Ago Today Hillary Clinton Dropped Like a Rock and Was Thrown Into Van Like a Side of Beef (VIDEO)


Seven years ago today…


Hillary Clinton on September 11, 2016, buckled and dropped at Ground Zero in New York City.


Clinton’s handlers threw her into her van like a side of beef.


She even lost a shoe.




Hillary Clinton 9/11 NYC


— Zdenek Gazda (@zgazda66) September 11, 2016


Clinton’s camp claimed the weather contributed to Hillary’s fainting episode.


But it was a very comfortable 75 degrees that morning in New York City.


Here’s video from a different angle:


This IS NOT heat related. #HillarysHealth


— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) September 11, 2016


The Clinton campaign then released a statement from Hillary’s doctor stating she was diagnosed with pneumonia on that day which led to her fainting episode.


“Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. On Friday, during follow-up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule. While at this morning’s event she became overheated and dehydrated. I have just examined her and she is now re-hydrated and recovering nicely,” Clinton’s doctor said on September 11, 2016.


Later that day Hillary Clinton was spotted leaving Chelsea’s NYC apartment.


Hillary lied to the press about her health problems.


Hillary hugged a little girl and risked exposing her to pneumonia…


Here is Hillary Clinton leaving Chelsea's apartment. (A little girl came up to give her a hug)


— Liz Kreutz (@LizKreutzNews) September 11, 2016


Hillary Clinton went on to lose the 2016 election to Donald Trump a couple months later.