Kroger and Albertsons Dump 413 Stores to Make Their Merger Work
less choice higher price most likely
The proposed Kroger-Albertsons merger, explained
Kroger and Albertsons are two of the largest supermarket brands in the country, so when it was announced in October 2022 that Kroger would purchase Albertsons for $24.6 billion to form one massive conglomerate, both the American public and the federal government took notice. The main concern about the joining of these two grocery behemoths is that it would create a grocery monopoly, one that could, in theory, lead to higher prices for consumers because of reduced competition. Kroger currently has around 2,700 locations nationwide, and Albertsons has 2,300, which means combining the two would give a single company control over approximately 5,000 grocery stores in the U.S.