Anonymous ID: 7066e5 Sept. 12, 2023, 8:39 a.m. No.19536300   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Have any meme makers illustrated what is happening in Hilly dog's head at this very moment in time?


I have an idea, but I am sick to death of the bloody face meme.

Anonymous ID: 7066e5 Sept. 12, 2023, 9:44 a.m. No.19536709   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Evolving Threats: Security and Safety in a Post-9/11 World - Homeland Security Committee Events



Date of this?

>Emergency Management and Technology Subcommittee Field Hearing: Evolving Threats: Security and Safety in a Post-9/11 World | EVENT ID: 116328




>Goldman: Deputy Commissioner Weiner, you, I appreciate your comments about the international terrorist threats, but you also mentioned in your opening statement, domestic terrorism, which has grown pretty significantly in recent years. Can you talk about how that threat has evolved over the past several years?


>Weiner: Absolutely.Thank you for the for the question. So this certainly has been an area of growth across the country and including in New York City. You can look at an event that tragically took place very recently in Jacksonville, Florida or I mentioned earlier, the Buffalo attack for important reminders of how that threat can manifest individuals who are often radicalized in a different way than we see among those who are inspired by Al Qaeda or Isis spending a lot of time in the digital sphere.


>The online environment and technology has been studied very intensively, has played a role in radicalizing and mobilizing individuals to violence across the ideological spectrum. But very much to include domestic violent extremism. It's a label that includes a broad category of people who are motivated by different grievances, but uniting them all is hatred, hatred against particular ethnic groups, particular races, anti government extremism and very important as we think about the sacrifice that so many of our colleagues have made on 9 11 in years subsequent about the role of law enforcement officers as targets for domestic violent extremists. And this is, this has been true in recent years in a number of different examples.