Anonymous ID: bce0d7 Sept. 12, 2023, 8:35 a.m. No.19536267   🗄️.is 🔗kun


any and all references to the . . . . that defames them (in his mind) will get the axe.

the term 'shekels' is what got this one the axe.

Anonymous ID: bce0d7 Sept. 12, 2023, 8:52 a.m. No.19536392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6403 >>6415 >>6448

the defamation of groups seems to be the main reason for people being deleted these days.

this includes words that would be called 'dog whistles' by those who think it's there job to enforce the anti-defamation thing.

but remember, the BV also have access to other posts in past breads of the same posters.

the ones who are very quickly deleted have to first use those terms and common defaming words, and also, it seems to me, have a spirit of bigotry towards the group(s) in quesiton.

so if you use a term that is commonly used by bigots to defame a group, even if it's not really a slanderous term, you get the ax.

but probably mostly the BV know what you posted in past breads. and if you do the constant slander and defamation, or serial spamming of rancid content, that ads nothing, you also get the ax.

when they first started this they sometimes were quick on the trigger and made mistakes.

a point: if you review the rancid content and answer back to, for example the VD shill or others, you will probably get put under review as well.


and if you tell me 'how can you support censorship' I would say " I do not but we must live here in this environment and it is what it is"

describing censorship is not the same as supporting it.

but I do support the ellimination of spam.

and to be fair one must realize thta the content is at least there momentarily for review of other anon when it gets posted, before it's deleted.

and anyone who thinks that shouting down others is 'free speech' . . . I say 'no, that is a tactic of censors' so deleting spam is actually a way to eliminate the censoring of others through content flooding of the venue, and the burying of all other posts in a sea of spam-content posts that fill the venue and make using the board very tedious.

Anonymous ID: bce0d7 Sept. 12, 2023, 9 a.m. No.19536450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6455 >>6493 >>6712


pig did not show up as pig until May of 2020

May 30 2020 is the earliest known pig post that I have.

and I've made the request for older posts, but no one has ever provided one.

I love the Mr. Pig theme, and it's fun and I think it's one guy (unless someone imitates him) doing his thing.

but it was not here before may 30, 2020, or maybe a day or two earlier than that.

and how can I be so sure?

because snarky-cat (my name) with the distressed girl at a wedding reception and her friend is also a white cat and that preceded Pig by very many months.


anyone want to prove me wrong as to the May 30, 2020 date, I won't be upset. that's fine. just post a screen cap

Anonymous ID: bce0d7 Sept. 12, 2023, 9:09 a.m. No.19536493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6522 >>6525


my earliest Mr. Pig,

there were probably some earlier than this one.


Mr. Pig will not accept my date as to when he showed up, but will not provide screen caps that are earlier than this one (which was to a post of mine)


if you have an earlier Mr. Pig screen cap please do post it.

Anonymous ID: bce0d7 Sept. 12, 2023, 9:15 a.m. No.19536525   🗄️.is 🔗kun


another note:

as this is the 7th post from that ID in that bread, there must be 6 earlier posts which I did not screen cap, which were probably also Mr. Pig meme posts.

Anonymous ID: bce0d7 Sept. 12, 2023, 9:22 a.m. No.19536554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6563 >>6565


if the dams aren't maintained and when the hard-rain falls (where it usually doesn't) and the dams break you get like what happened in Libya yesterday where thousands are said to have perished in a flash flood . . .

some places are desserts, and there aren't any trees there anyway. but there is other stuff.

I think hydrodams are a great choice but only when you have a governance that understands and mitigates the effects of flash floods. Clearly in Libya the system did not work and the people have thus greatly suffered.

Anonymous ID: bce0d7 Sept. 12, 2023, 9:24 a.m. No.19536565   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yesterday or within the last few days . . .


here is the story for those who did not see it yet:


the story started as 'dozens' but by the end of the day yesterday the headlines were saying 'thousands'

Anonymous ID: bce0d7 Sept. 12, 2023, 9:28 a.m. No.19536592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6634 >>6643 >>6659 >>6757 >>6758 >>6769

"Libyan city buries 700 people killed in devastating floods as 10,000 are reported missing"


ten thousand, anon, reported missing in Libya due to poorly thought through dam placement, and inadequate maintenance (what else could it be?)