Anonymous ID: 007ef1 Sept. 12, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.19536963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the link says 'atomic blast'

I say 'asteroid' in the article.

anyway, interesting read.

Anonymous ID: 007ef1 Sept. 12, 2023, 10:42 a.m. No.19537043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7052 >>7061


there used to be a meme that used the term 'muh' to mean 'my'.

it was run constantly, I think it had Hunter?

and it said 'muh dick'

also muh is, in meme speak, a synonym with the English 'my'

so it was used a lot

and since there was a persona in meme who I called 'meme nose' (to avoid the racial connotations) some others used the term 'muh <name of group>' to talk about the person or people who were spamming those horrid and defamitory memes and posts which used to take up a third of the bread four years ago (starting right after the dough post).

so they were called 'muh <name of groupshills'


and then the idea came to just shorten that to be 'muh name of group'.

but originally it wasn't about the group but the posters of the defamitory material.

fast forward.

the board was taken over by various (probably foreign) crews who didn't get the 'muh <name of group>' was a name to use to call out the haters of the group . . . instead they seemingly wrongfully assumed it was against the group, not in defense of them.

and thus it just became taboo to even say that to call out the spammers.

fast forward to this year: now anyone who discusses said group in a way that BV's do not like faces deletion for daring to do it, even if they support that group and argue against the hatred.


so the term has morphed and the meaning is clear now: if you use that phrase in your argument you'll probably be deleted.


sad but true and probably necessary to have a useful board.

Anonymous ID: 007ef1 Sept. 12, 2023, 10:53 a.m. No.19537119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7142


it is what it is. It used to be a way to point out the shills, and to name those who defamed said group.

the new crews didn't get it, and figured it was a blanket term of hatred against said group.

the discussion of said group at all, by anyone, is always reviewed.

and also other groups who are also defamed.

and though I said 'probably necesseary to have a useful board' I personally think that police any use of that term is an overreach and ridiculous censorship but I am not a censor and I do not run this board.

the over censorship actually is a kind of defamation in itself against those who are said to be the censors.

in any case most anon understand the new ruleset.

I for one have always avoided any kind of discussions of that nature about various groups because I think that any group that has issues in how they are managed and ruled, those same issues show up in other governances and groups which have none of the members of the group being discussed.

thus to say something about some group is defaming them, becuase human nature being what it is, any group can (and probably does) have the same kinds of issues about poor governance or greed or whatever.

those who fixate on one group, like the VD shill, are obvious bigots and ignore that the problems of a group are really the problems of humanity.

singling out a group in constant hateful posts is hurting the cause of good governance in all groups, trying to cause division and sow ethnic strife.

Anonymous ID: 007ef1 Sept. 12, 2023, 10:59 a.m. No.19537162   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the term became a name not a statement of ownership or affection.


my pillow doesn't quite mean the same as muh pillow


the idea being that the muh implies an obsessed person spurging about something, so it's not a direct synonym.

muh group shill wasn't saying that someone said that they owned that shill , but that it was the way to point out a quality of shilling that was obsessive and hateful.

it's a complicated concept and if you don't get it, you ought to think about it and stop trollilng for responses.

Anonymous ID: 007ef1 Sept. 12, 2023, 11:05 a.m. No.19537196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7491


In Italy because land that was owned by the church was tax free people would donate their land to the church, for example sheep herder families, and the church would let their discendants herd on that land in future generations and thus the sheep herders didn't ahve to pay property tax to the Bourbon kings and other overlords.

when the Vatican States were vanquished in the 1860s and 70s, and Italy was unified, that land was ceded to the new nation, and the herders were thus put in a bind.