Anonymous ID: 8aebd2 Sept. 12, 2023, 4:36 p.m. No.19539273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9280 >>9298 >>9311 >>9312




>>19537625 pb

actually something I worked on very hard for many connected posts in one bread was deleted completely

it contained no hate, no spam, no moo joo.

It was excerpts of info from a book written in '45 about the Hague International Court and how Jack Smith was from that Court.

And just details and analysis of how tne NWO has decided to changed the rule of law.

I found the log of who did it.

I'm not making up excuses for who did it; still waiting for an explanation.

A lot of Notables I think are total Bullshit, always have been. But to say what I wrote and cited, directely from a book on "World Order" and "Psychology of Law" from '46 was less worthy than much of the garbage that passes as "Notable" ?

Just No.

And worthy to be erased and erased from the archive?

Why should I lie?

Yes I'm gratful for their work - I do a shit ton load of work here too; always have.

To me, it's BS excuse "we don't have to answer you because we do so much work"

Maybe. but why claim you never erase anything important?

Yes you do.

maybe there's a reason, but I haven't heard it.


>>19537625 pb


>>19537539 pb

That being all said I'm very gratful for this board - I made up my mind to screen shot my work if I put a lot into it; and I do now.

From then on.

but sometimes one forgets and gets too busy. Just have to accept it.

I opened up again my back up board, which I statrted when dirty onion was around. The whole thing brought back bad memories. I use the other board for back up.

Maybe the deletiong was an oversight? but that's none of my business. All I know is my work got deleted and it wasn't even close to fucking spam

And no word back that I know of.

even though I tagged the BO when I wrote about it.

Maybe there was a word back and I missed it?


>>19537416 pb


>>19537085 pb


>>19537112 pb

>>19537112 pb

do you think they are getting paid for deleting particular posts?

Anybody have screen shots of what was deleted?


Check it out. The guy that wrote the book I was citing for my post that got deleted with no trace. Check out his head; looks like either Baron Roghschild or some Peruian conehead or Egyptian conehead.

What a coincidence.

The BO's work is definitley more demanding that waht I do.

Also, he rescued the board.

So eternal gratitude.

Long Live Free Speech

The NWO are terrified of speech.

Anonymous ID: 8aebd2 Sept. 12, 2023, 4:42 p.m. No.19539312   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It says in the log the thread was "locked" but it wasn't locked.

I finished it off on the last post at 751. I might've crashed right after that; so there have been more refreshes needed.

But mine was all gone next day.

"Lack of evidence isn't evidence of lack"

Anonymous ID: 8aebd2 Sept. 12, 2023, 4:47 p.m. No.19539339   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Nobody cares here about free speech and reseach on NWO?

I doubt that.

I'm being threatend over this?

That's funny.

People who are of less than high moral character are unable to see the truth.