And that's just the "Safe" side.
Let's talk about "effective" shall we?
Some of these people need vaporizing for what they did.
Can you spot whitey?
Bring hot sauce, the devil is running low.
To think he invented the internet and all we use it for is Malarkey.
Must be disappointed.
So edgy to be pedo adjacent.
So edgy to be pedo adjacent.
So edgy to be pedo adjacent.
So edgy to be pedo adjacent.
Q's gone Tim Tim
Do you have a permit for those quads?
Imagine having a President that can string words and thoughts together. Novel.
Timelines were switched, a coup occurred. Deep state won.
WWIII on the cards. Let's Go Brandon.
Go have a stroke faggot.
It's a race to the bottom, literally.
But muh barroon?
Q's out. Gone.
This is my mask. It's ready.
gee whizz!
Those pesky Chinese, unprovoked no doubt eh Blinky.
Trust The Planโข๏ธ or bust.
Buy muh book in 3,2,1
You Americans see what's happening right.
Even liddle ole me way the fuck down here can see it.
Land of the Free?
Home of the Brave?
Everyone is so passive aggressive.
Go in and arrest her. Go on the attack. Make it known this shit is not up for debate.
If you fuck around, you find out. Etch it in stone.
Now I'm stealing antique memes from Granny Cooter.