Do you worship the god of the old testament because if you do, I have some bad news for you.
that sounds absolutely jewish. Are you an old testament type of retard or are you one of them goat fucking islamic niggers?
hate to break it to you pig you and your fucking god are a fucking losers. If it was the same father then Jesus would not have had to call out the deception that the hebrews were under by worshiping and evil jealous tiny little faggot of the god, how about instead of focusing on region which you seem deeply inadequate at, you focus on your shitty memes you stupid nigger. Jesus may be the son of the creator god but that is not what is talked bout in the old testament unless you want to discuss the etymologies of words like eleohiem you stupid fucking bitch.
a shitty meme posted twice does not make it true. your god is a lie, and you pig may be a patriot but when it comes to religion you fail. Incredibly you fail. Who are the council that is referred to in the old testament, now before you answer the Trinity like a good brainwashed catholic would realize the trinity is never mentioned in the bible and the only place it is exists is the inferred created one by the deep state church. So please carry on embarrassing your self with your limited scope of this side of the battle. Again you are a patriot but when it comes to this shit shut the ever loving fuck up.
you are almost getting it I think. Jesus said paraphrasing, you would know who I am if you knew the father, since you don't know me I can only assume you do not know the father and you are following something else. This idea can be further seen in some of the gnostic texts and even other religions of the world that there is a false light. This is what all abrahamic faiths actually follow. Not the creator, and if that is the creator it is still only a fragment of what ever really is at the top. Where does Jesus fit into that. Religious people can not answer that question honestly. Not in the time I have been asking it. The Hebrew Prophets were also persecuted by the Hebrew People. SO whatever they were listening to is once again different than what is known and predicted.
cuck a little harder.
the only thing you have destroyed is your intellectual capability I see you as nothing but a stupid retarded faggot who is cucked to the dogma of society, willing to fight the deep state but not realize the same powers that control the politics control the beliefs of the sheep. Focus on politics and morale pig.
no should I? why?
The smell of your shitty memes, yup, stinks up the place.
and you are still shitty at memes maybe you should learn some graphic design you fucking retard. After all these years you would think they would have evolved.
god damn pig you are a stupid cunt. You serve the same deep state in your churches, mosques and other places of worship. But sadly you are too fucking stupid to realize you might be fucking wrong. Enjoy the comfort your fake lie gives you all provided by the deep state for over two thousand years.
who hates q or anons, I hate the institutions these people are still slaves to when they think they are being served truth but it is only bite sized portions of lies.
yet another shitty meme. I am wondering if you are one of those fucking stupid catholics are you one of those loser cucks. The type of retard that thinks you are worshiping in a monotheist religion but you are just kneeling for multiple pagan dieties. This is the problem pig you are just too stupid for this, honestly you are dumb as shit. The problem is there is no monotheism, there is just chosen polytheism. The god of the jews is not the creator god and if you think that you are just further proving what little you know. SO continue to push your shitty fucking green text memes, not like you will stop you are too stupid to even do that.
It is called speculation for a reason you stupid shit. Maybe, but maybe you are a blinded retard trusting the deep state with your faith. Enjoy your deep state jesus and dogma you cucked loser.
No I attack the definition of what you consider god and challenge it with actual questions instead of blind faith based upon a deep state system. That is what I am doing moran. Not all gods are the same even your own book says that. So the question is why am I wrong when I question what you believe, am I just supposed to take it for granted that it is as I believe, NO. Because I know you follow lies. So to extrapolate that makes your god also a liar. Your institutions a lie, I am sorry you are so fucking stupid maybe that is why you are stuck in the same stupid meme format for years.
how about that infiltration in the bible and religions of the world, how bout dat?
The Bible says there are other gods, who is your loser god jealous of then? Why does he kill those who wish to go to someone else, your god is just one of many lying through history to seek control of those week of mind like yourself. SO once again your bible is a half truth, and yeah other gods, cope pig with your false doctrine.
I can kill a lie though. Your god that may or may not be known as Yahweh is a liar and the GOD the most high never appears in the bible, maybe in the very early bits light and dark and all that. But other than that there are many things claiming they are gods, why did you god lose to the godchemoshwhy did your god cuck to that other lesser diety? SO yeah a lie like your dogma needs to be killed because your faith as you call it is based on a lie. A deep state conditioning program for thousands of years and you are a victim of that making you a stupid nigger of a fuck. AMERICA WINNING>
YAHWEH is just a sad petty little deity that needs to control. YOu can not explain the council you can not explain eloheim, I know you can't because no one really can. Says it all over the old testament about him being jealous. The problem is you think god is god is god, that is not the case not all dieties are worthy of that title. So the hebrews were the only pagan group to be ever blessed because muh chosen and all other religions like hinduism and more eastern shit and other tribal stuff is all just bullshit even though it all lines up. America may be winning but you are losing and you are so stupid you don't even see it.
not because I say so, I just picked a random line from your book of lies.
Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God
now I would have to also look at the ancient translations to make sure, but who is making him jealous? Who has the power to make a god jealous? Does not seem very powerful so the creator that you think you worship never appeared to the hebrews it was just a liar.
doing pretty good, yourself. I am just countering fake narratives spun by systems of control that most see as never having been corrupted and they are dealing with 100% and trying to show that what they think they know and believe is easily destroyed, and thus being easily destroyed since it is a lie, hammer time.
no I don't because I don't know what you mean by any of the words you wrote. What is lord what is god what are they in ancient and are they the same or not. From my research they are not one and the same for there were many "lords" many el, hence the eloheim. The only explanation anyone has is the trinity and that is made up doctrine to try and explain away the very logical question.
pig has a mind full of pudding. Abrahamic faiths and almost all I assume hinduism and other what most classify as pagan are also wrapped in lies and deception also. But it really is the abrahamic ones that have sought to control humanity and lie to the people, but you keep fighting the deep state and never realize what you have been conditioned with. Enjoy your religious dogma deep state programming pig.
the god of the old testament also wanted human sacrifice and then punished the hebrew people when they refused to kill women and children and all the animals against one army they were fighting.
no, that is an interpretation you have. You are missing the point the point is all the name switching in the bible to take a polytheist religion and try to make it a monotheistic one. In the time of the ancient hebrews there were many things that were worshiped as gods, abrahams own father carved idols in some stories. SO the question is are people sure that entity known to hebrews is the same as the father of Jesus. Because it appears upon reading just the scripture that people are dealing with multiple lines of thought being forced into one. That is part of the reason the lie is easy to see, because of the conflation of the words. God, el, yahweh, el shadai, all of it, calling people pagans is just a weak argument abrahamists make when they themselves have deeply pagan roots.
and did you learn that faith or does it tie into what is known as athe bible in anyway? Because you have already been wrong in saying that the god of the ot is the same as the father of Jesus. Maybe you do not follow the same jesus either.
and that is how I know that god is a liar, because what stops someone else from saying the same thing about you. Because their god says so?
I don't like people living lies pig, and what you think you know is based on lies and that is incredibly harmful long term. WE are entering a new age one way or the other and I would rather have people unified then divided under constructs of lies created and managed by the deep state and if it is allowed to continue the world will still see the same problems. So yeah your beliefs are a fucking issue.
Bible says it not me. Sorry you are illiterate pig maybe you should get some hooked on phonics or something.