enjoy the do nut & ice cream. rent free. tyb.
snare drum championship.
the orbs are congregating. this might get bumby.
fathoms oar metric
dual citizens are not as calm as the cracker anymoar.
strongly written letter following
that damn vaxxxx plus one X. the product is (you). to those 4 3 2 or 1 dose in on the gambling.
this next part is 3 things. an IQ test. muh job. muh pension.the communist in a tesla wearing a mask living in a million dollar home is ded.to the teachers, city employees, franchise front line workers . buckle up.
some poor souls can only count to seventeen. gonna need moar speakers.the knob only goes to 11. don't understand discovery maths.
this mans fat rant got muh here. worst night of muh life.
KEK in flipper
called two mpp offices today, the secretaries know we know they know we know,. now. the ladies answering the telephone know. so do they're families.& friends. so here we arrr.
bluebird pilot that had flak on morning shift. one branch of military .
that is 20 post early